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New Problem with my Thermostat


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Last week, my Venstar thermostat began acting strange a few days, then communication to ISY 994-IR was lost entirely. I don’t have any issues with any other device on the system. The t-stat was installed fall 2010 and beyond initial setup, has had no issues since. My PLM is a 2412 with an Access Point module plugged directly into it.


But last week when I accessed the ISY remotely, the Fan setting was ON. It should’ve been AUTO.  I changed to Auto and all seemed good.  Checked following day and same thing. On the 3rd day, ISY gave me an error message when I tried to change the Fan status. On the fourth or fifth day, I noticed the ISY displayed the red exclamation mark next to the t-stat device (failed communication).


So, from my remote location I’m trying to evaluate what the problem is.  I tried to Query and restore the device.  Neither did anything.  So I’m thinking here are some possible issues:

  • Insteon component quit working.
  • Power supply to t-stat disrupted (backup battery died)
  • Power to furnace off (not likely)
  • Motherboard in furnace fried, disrupting power to t-stat.

Anyway, I am just wondering if anyone else out there has experienced an issue with their Venstar t-stat. And if that is not my issue, I may need to contact my furnace repairman.post-1132-0-16264200-1508015870_thumb.png


Update: Today my house checker said the t-stat was working as they turned up the heat & furnace came on.  Hmmmm.

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Here's an update.  An IN-House check by a friend, removed Insteon plug in from t-stat, waited half a minute & plugged it back in.


Most recent remote login shows communication between ISY and t-stat was restored.  So the question now is why, after 7 years, do I even have to do this?

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Possible the connection between the thermostat and the adapter was getting poor. Disconnecting and reconnecting cleaned it up.

Power cycling by removal and reinstall cleared up a glitched controller chip.

Another thought is it maybe starting to fail. Though the FCC Database photos don't show any capacitors that typically fail.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Possible the connection between the thermostat and the adapter was getting poor. Disconnecting and reconnecting cleaned it up.

Power cycling by removal and reinstall cleared up a glitched controller chip.

Thanks Brian. That was it.  Interesting problem I've never experienced and of course I was over a thousand miles away.  However,, my daughter was able to open up the house and unplug the Insteon adapter then plug it back in.  The information was instantly restored to the ISY.



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