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Need help with viewing a camera outside my home network with ML


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I have several Hikvision cameras that record to an NVR.  For a long time, these have worked very nicely by viewing them with Mobilinc.  I recently added a Dahua camera and I cannot connect to it via Moblinc.  In the camera settings for the Hikvisions (which operate correctly), I have the local http:// filled in plus the port number.  I also have an 'Away http://' and port.  For example, it's something like:   http://33.44.55.xyz. I also have a port number which is correctly open in my router.


I have selected 'Dahua' as the camera type.  I have refreshed the camera types to ensure I have the latest profile(s) for Dahua.


When I do the exact same thing for the dahua camera, it's not viewable outside the home network.  Any suggestions?

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Hi Naptown,


In order to assist and attempt to pinpoint the issue, please send us the following to support@mobilinc.com



- Screenshot of your camera’s settings page. You can take a screenshot on iOS devices by pressing the top power button and the bottom home button at the same time.


IP Camera Tool:

- Screenshot of your IP Camera discovery tool running on your PC or MAC showing your discovered IP Camera.


- A screenshot of your IP Camera in a web browser showing the camera’s address when you are connected from a PC/MAC.


The results of going to: https://www.google.com/?gws_rd=ssl#q=what+is+my+ip

Or your external DNS address.


Finally, please provide a screenshot of your router’s port forward page showing the routing to your camera.



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