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iPhone X and iPad 10"/12"


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Hi Folks,


I'm happy to announce support for iPhone X is nearly complete. Anyone lucky enough in receiving an iPhone X here soon and are interested in helping me beta test, drop me an email to support@mobilinc.com with a screenshot of your Settings->Lighting Controller page and reference this post.


As a side effect of this effort, better native resolution support for the 12" and 10" iPads will be included. If you have one of these larger iPads with MobiLinc HD and are interested in beta testing MobiLinc HD on your larger iPad, send me a screenshot of your MobiLinc HD Settings->Lighting Controller page running on your iPad so I can get you added to the beta test as well.


There are no new features in these builds. All effort is to bring MobiLinc into compatibility with the iPhone X and larger iPads.





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  • 2 weeks later...

I installed this update last night. I’m on an iPhone 8 Plus though. It has screwed up the layout of my dashboard items. I now have three columns instead of two and I don’t believe there’s any setting for that specifically, other than to try to manually re-organize them. Uggh.

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