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Example of webpage using WEB/REST module


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Hi, I am interested in building a customized webpage that displays and shows the buttons that I most use for the ISY. I understand that the Webmodule with REST is able to do this, I looked on the wiki page, it shows all the commands, but does not show how to put this within a webpage. I have basic knowledge of html programming and was interested in learning to see if I can do this, before I buy the webmodule Does anybody have an example web page incorporating the REST commands? With this, I can see how to use the REST command within a webpage and help me decide to see if I should take on this project..



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Joe, you should be browsing the Developers forum.


I only began to play with the REST interface last week so I don't have anything to share besides reading. That is simply a page that is reached through my.isy.add.ress/rest/nodes.


All the modules for the ISY have a 30-day money back guarantee.


If you don't want to do all the programming you should see MikeB's interfaceGO. It's very easy to configure and use. I think Mike has the perfect way to interface with n-way scenes as the status displayed can be tied to one device. Mike offers a 30-day free trial.



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Joe, you should be browsing the Developers forum.


I only began to play with the REST interface last week so I don't have anything to share besides reading. That is simply a page that is reached through my.isy.add.ress/rest/nodes.


All the modules for the ISY have a 30-day money back guarantee.


If you don't want to do all the programming you should see MikeB's interfaceGO. It's very easy to configure and use. I think Mike has the perfect way to interface with n-way scenes as the status displayed can be tied to one device. Mike offers a 30-day free trial.




Hi sub-routine, thanks for the reply, but looking at the developers forum was discouraging...as the discussion were more technical than i know. InterfaceGo, looks like a great product, but my goal is to do all this with my iphone through a web page. Why use interfacego when i carry around a webpage all day long and I don't have to pay for another device or have the pc on.






I posted a link to my web page that uses javascript and the weatherbug info to generate charts. Some of the ideas should be applicable to what you want to do too




bpwwer, thanks for the post, very interesting. I have conceptually thought about this as it would be nice to have a 24 hour chart to verify that thermostat and lighting are happenning at the right times and operating correctly. I have to keep this as a future reference as it is a "luxury" feature for me right now, because I have yet to figure out the basics of programming. But definately will keep your example for reference once I am up to that level.


My situation is that I am just learning to program and know the basics of html, php and css. But have done a few websites by playing around with opensource code. So my hope is that some one would provide an example for a web page using REST to simply turn insteon on and off, or similar tasks, so that I can use the template to learn from..


Thanks to the community for all the help..

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