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Mobilinc Unable to Connect to ISY 994i


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I had a Uverse modem swapped out for reliability issues.  All worked well before swap.  New modem required me to resetup port forwarding for my cameras and a couple of other devices including ISY.  Got cameras working but ISY will not connect using Mobilinc.  Have tried the usual, rebooting uverse modem, ISY, tried resetting ISY to no avail.  I can connect on computer connected to network and all works well.  When trying to connect using Mobilinc, on settings screen, controller, I use ISY host and my port forwarding dns ( the same one for my cameras that work).  If I use local port local address, it will work but that's no good when not on network.  I've tried the https set using direct ip address for network and 443 port and it doesn't work either.  I get a connection failure occurred.  My port forward setup is correct on the modem.  I tried deleting the rule for port forwarding and re did it for ISY, then rebooted modem and then restarted ISY, no joy.  Any ideas what else I can do?  thx

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I found where I could go to ISY portal and signed up.  But when I logged in it just said ISY is not online.

I am not the world's best techie, but I suggest that you


(1)  The ISY Wiki page for instructions

(2) In Administrative Console, go to Configuration then Portals and check that Portal Integrations show "Registered"

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Update. Left portal idea and tryed deleting port fwd setup, then reset isy and let it come up as dynamic ip. Restarted verse and it ided isy with same ip. Restored isy and setup port fwd again and it worked. I thought great and went outside for a while to do something else. Just came in and tryed access with dns and it doesn’t work, again. Same as before. Hmm.

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I'd strongly recommend our MobiLinc Connect service. It solves connection issues like there were there are unpredictable network things that get in the way for local/remote connections. If you want to give this a try, contact UDI support: support@universal-devices.com and have them turn off the UDI Portal and turn on the MobiLinc Portal. Please be aware that the UDI Portal isn't 100% compatible with MobiLinc anyways. Popular features like push notifications aren't supported by UDI Portal.


Once the MobiLinc Portal is turned on, open MobiLinc and go to Settings->Lighting Controller->Host Type and select "MobiLinc Connect" and follow the directions. Please also turn off your port forward to your ISY as this may conflict.


If you want to stay with a direct IP connection, please email the following to: support@mobilinc.com:


- Screenshot of your Lighting Controller settings page.



- Screenshot of your port forward settings page.



- Screenshot of your ISY's Admin Console->Configuration tab.


The results of going to: https://www.google.com/?gws_rd=ssl#q=what+is+my+ip or your DNS address.



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Wes, I believe your statement about Mobilinc not being 100% compatible with the ISY Portal is only the case for Mobilinc on IOS.


Are there any differentiators for users of Android that you want to make the community aware of?

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Unless your computer is providing a network connection or DHCP to your ISY (this would be an extremely rare network setup), I can't think of why MobiLinc would care if there's another network device like your computer on or off in the house. 


Are you using MobiLinc Connect or did you stay with a direct IP Connection? Either way, the best way for me to support you is to email me at: support@mobilinc.com with the following:


If MobiLinc Connect:

- Screenshot of your Help->About page

- Error Log

- Screenshot of MobiLinc->Settings->Lighting Controller->Status


If Direct IP:


- Screenshot of your Lighting Controller settings page.



- Screenshot of your port forward settings page.



- Screenshot of your ISY's Admin Console->Configuration tab.


The results of going to: https://www.google.c...q=what is my ip or your DNS address.



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With the UDI Portal I've heard of Tasker issues (can't confirm) as well as multiple ISYs aren't supported.




I have 3 isys - with two configured to use the ISY Portal just fine. Multiple are indeed well supported. I guess you mean that Mobilinc does not support multiple - but that’s a different story, and also not the case. All a user needs to do is create a second ISY Portal username and assign the second ISY as the default. Then create two profiles in Mobilinc. It works fine.

I also have a heck of a lot of Tasker tasks that use the ISY Portal, as well as a Tasker made app that uses it. No issues to report.


One nice benefit of the ISY Portal is the ability to provision keys for inbound API calls. This means we don’t have to encode our portal password into cloud services (like IFTTT) - something that I could never advise. You should *never* share passwords with third parties.

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I have 3 isys - with two configured to use the ISY Portal just fine. Multiple are indeed well supported. I guess you mean that Mobilinc does not support multiple - but that’s a different story, and also not the case. All a user needs to do is create a second ISY Portal username and assign the second ISY as the default. Then create two profiles in Mobilinc. It works fine.

I also have a heck of a lot of Tasker tasks that use the ISY Portal, as well as a Tasker made app that uses it. No issues to report.


Thanks for the details on creating multiple accounts with UDI to support this. Not needed with MobiLinc Connect, but understood how one could setup with UDI Portal.


Glad to hear MobiLinc/Tasker works for you and UDI Portal. That hasn't been the consistent feedback I've received. 



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Unless your computer is providing a network connection or DHCP to your ISY (this would be an extremely rare network setup), I can't think of why MobiLinc would care if there's another network device like your computer on or off in the house. ​Me either, but it seems to be erratic and I'm tired.  Time for martini. 


Are you using MobiLinc Connect or did you stay with a direct IP Connection? Either way, the best way for me to support you is to email me at: support@mobilinc.com with the following:  I'm using Mobilinc pro.  ISY is set up as a static ip with PF thru a dns service dyndns.


If MobiLinc Connect:

- Screenshot of your Help->About page

- Error Log

- Screenshot of MobiLinc->Settings->Lighting Controller->Status


If Direct IP:


- Screenshot of your Lighting Controller settings page.

it says i'm not allowed to put that in this post.  but local http:// is tomkingrd.dyndns.org

local port is 8086

https:// is blank



- Screenshot of your port forward settings page.

Here is the line that has the PF rule.  Screenshot wouldn't provide more info, I don't think

ISY994-EMS ISY - tcp 8086 108.xxx.xxx.10


This is setup in uverse establishing a port range 8086 to 8086 and using port 80.  As you see, it's tcp.



- Screenshot of your ISY's Admin Console->Configuration tab.

     I can't seem to get it to copy over.  Here's what youre looking for, I suspect.

autodhcp checked.  I can't get it to change anymore.  Set uverse to assign set ip, rebooted etc, and still get dhcp.  all else is blank.


The results of going to: https://www.google.c...q=what is my ip or your DNS address.

that says:  



but my ip address is 108.xxx.xxx.10 and dns is tomkingrd.dyndns.org




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Glad to hear MobiLinc/Tasker works for you and UDI Portal. That hasn't been the consistent feedback I've received.


Wes, I’d be happy to offer insight to anyone that has difficulty there. It’s really been very reliable for me and a few people I’ve helped, and the only errors I’ve come across are in configuring Tasker. Hardly the fault of the ISY Portal.

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I'm not able to help without the screenshots requested sent to support@mobilinc.com. Please do not post here as the screenshots will contain sensitive information, but information that is critical for me to evaluate in order to help you with your setup.



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Wes and all, thx for trying to help but I discovered the issue this am. I knew there was something happening when my computer shut down/sleep. I have a fairly complex network with two access points and multiple switches. I traced Ethernet cables back to a switch that was shutting down with my computer. I have a power strip that turns off some circuits with computer and this switch had been plugged into one of those plugs. I strongly suspect that happened when the att tech installed new modem. Anyway, straightened out power feeds and everything is working now. Lesson learned

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