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ISY Portal Maintenance - 11-12-2017


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Hello everyone,

We will have a small maintenance tomorrow 11-12-2017 at 5:00 AM PDT which will last a few minutes. During this period, no downtime is planned.


In your Google Home spokens page, a new button will allow you to send your devices to Google Home. You will no longer have to unlink/re-link.


With kind regards,




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Hello everyone,


We will have a small maintenance tomorrow 11-12-2017 at 5:00 AM PDT which will last a few minutes. During this period, no downtime is planned.



In your Google Home spokens page, a new button will allow you to send your devices to Google Home. You will no longer have to unlink/re-link.


With kind regards,





Thanks Benoit,


is that by any chance what I noticed (for a brief moment) last week, with an option to add or update devices ?

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Thanks Benoit,


is that by any chance what I noticed (for a brief moment) last week, with an option to add or update devices ?


Hi Seno,


I don't know what you noticed last week, but yes, this will allow to add or update devices to Google Home without having to unlink/re-link.



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Hello everyone,


We will have a small maintenance tomorrow 11-12-2017 at 5:00 AM PDT which will last a few minutes. During this period, no downtime is planned.



In your Google Home spokens page, a new button will allow you to send your devices to Google Home. You will no longer have to unlink/re-link.


With kind regards,





Guessing you mean PST?

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Last week I noticed, and actually used, the option of 'update devices' (or something similar) below 'unlink account'. That option disappeared the following day.


This morning, no change and still only 'unlink account'.

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Hi Benoit,


The text popup has a typo, has "Gome" instead of "Home".


It doesn't seem to work for me:

Error sending your spokens. Is Google Home linked?">



This message normally means that the ISY Portal user profile you are currently using is not recognized by Google Home.


Are you using the same user profile that you used when linking Google Home?


Could you try to unlink, re-link, then request a sync on ISY Portal?



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Go to: my.isy.io

- Select tool...

  - Connectivity -> Google Home


In that window there is a "Send spokens to Google Gome"


I now get the error:

Devices are not available

HTTP error 0


Followed by this:

Error sending your spokens. Is Google Home linked?"


"Devices are not available" is related to the ISY devices lookup. 


When you choose to add a device from ISY, the list of available devices comes from that lookup. A typical case where you could see that is when you get into the Google Home spokens window, but ISY is offline. Normally, you can't get to that window if it the ISY is offline, but there is a delay before it is detected.



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This message normally means that the ISY Portal user profile you are currently using is not recognized by Google Home.


Are you using the same user profile that you used when linking Google Home?


Could you try to unlink, re-link, then request a sync on ISY Portal?





I unlinked in the GH and re-linked, then in ISY Portal I clicked on the Send Spokens, but get same error message. The only thing that I can think of is that there were no new "Spoken" to send.


Is it possible that the same issue creates the same problem with Alexa ?

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I unlinked in the GH and re-linked, then in ISY Portal I clicked on the Send Spokens, but get same error message. The only thing that I can think of is that there were no new "Spoken" to send.


Is it possible that the same issue creates the same problem with Alexa ?



Hi Seno,


What is the error message exactly? No new spokens should not cause an error message.


GH and Echo uses completely separate UI, APIs and database tables. Are you having an issue with Alexa also?



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Hi Seno,


What is the error message exactly? No new spokens should not cause an error message.


GH and Echo uses completely separate UI, APIs and database tables. Are you having an issue with Alexa also?




Error sending your spokens. Is Google Home linked?">



I can assure you that GH is linked and it shows the devices.


With regard to Alexa,  there is no error message but I believe that it does not work. It seems that I must go to alexa.amazon.com and perform a Discover, then go to the Alexa App and  Add a Device. In ISY Portal it mentions that I need Smarthome Skill V3 and I have no idea what version I have or even where to check.

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This message normally means that the ISY Portal user profile you are currently using is not recognized by Google Home.


Are you using the same user profile that you used when linking Google Home?


Could you try to unlink, re-link, then request a sync on ISY Portal?




My Google Home's are linked to an account for this location since I have two homes, but I log into the portal is using my main account.  I just added a login for the on portal for the same google account that the Google Home's are linked to and I got the same error, I then unlinked/linked the Google Home for that account and the "Send Spokens to Google Home" worked.


So, as you said.  The Google account you use to login to the Portal must be the same google account that the Google Home's are linked to, and it seems like the Google Home must be linked to that account after it's created in the Portal.


Thanks for adding this!  Now hopefully Room support can be configured in the Portal someday :)

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My Google Home's are linked to an account for this location since I have two homes, but I log into the portal is using my main account.  I just added a login for the on portal for the same google account that the Google Home's are linked to and I got the same error, I then unlinked/linked the Google Home for that account and the "Send Spokens to Google Home" worked.


So, as you said.  The Google account you use to login to the Portal must be the same google account that the Google Home's are linked to, and it seems like the Google Home must be linked to that account after it's created in the Portal.


Thanks for adding this!  Now hopefully Room support can be configured in the Portal someday :)

That may explain something. I use a hotmail.com account  for ISY Portal, while of course a gmail.com account for Google Home.

Furthermore my hotmail account is the same as the one I use for Amazon.

I do not want to change my Amazon account.

Anyone has a suggestion on how I can change my ISY Portal account to a Google account while keeping the connection to my Amazon account which is with hotmail ????

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Error sending your spokens. Is Google Home linked?">



I can assure you that GH is linked and it shows the devices.


With regard to Alexa,  there is no error message but I believe that it does not work. It seems that I must go to alexa.amazon.com and perform a Discover, then go to the Alexa App and  Add a Device. In ISY Portal it mentions that I need Smarthome Skill V3 and I have no idea what version I have or even where to check.





For GH, in order for the Sync to work, you need to be logged it with the same ISY Portal user profile used when you linked. If it does not work, there might be something else going on as several users seems to have issues too. 


For Alexa, you don't need Smarthome skill V3. For sure, you are not using it as it is not released yet. You are probably using V2.

You can check in alexa.amazon.com, click on "Smart Home" then "Smart Home Skills".



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