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6 button keypad and isy994 administrative console help

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Excuse my ignorance but..

1) first want to remove a scene I attached to one of the buttons on my 6 button keypad. Can't for the life of me figure out how to do that without erasing what I have done to the other buttons. 

2) next want to make one of them and "all on" button and one an "all of"f button for all my lights and cant figure that out.

Many thanks in advance.

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Excuse my ignorance but..

1) first want to remove a scene I attached to one of the buttons on my 6 button keypad. Can't for the life of me figure out how to do that without erasing what I have done to the other buttons. 

2) next want to make one of them and "all on" button and one an "all of"f button for all my lights and cant figure that out.

Many thanks in advance.


To remove a scene right click on the scene then click delete scene


There's no all on or all off function in the ISY. You can create a  scene with all the devices you want to control and then turn the scene on or off

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2) next want to make one of them and "all on" button and one an "all of"f button for all my lights and cant figure that out.

Many thanks in advance.


Any particular reason you don't want to use one button for both All On and All Off?

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1) I don't want to delete the scene because I use it elsewhere but I guess I could delete it then recreate it to get rid of the control from the button in question

2) I want to have a separate on off button for all my lights primarily to make sure someone wouldn't turn all the lights on by mistake. And the all on would be for some emergency I would imagine where I would want to immediately turn on everything from that button.

Thanks for your help

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1. You don't need to remove the scene (as you originally stated) to remove one device. Right click on the device in the scene and select Remove from Scene.

2. Be sure to select non-Toggle Off and non-Toggle On for the All Off and All On buttons, respectively or each button will function as a toggle, that is, each press will alternately send an off or on. The All Off button will remain unlit until you press it, then it will blink and turn back off. The All On button will remain lit. It, too, will blink and return to lit.


You may want to place a red diffuser behind the All On button.

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Create a program with the button as a trigger. Use Control if you want to make physically pressing the button run the program, use Status if you want the program to run even if you change the state of the button remotely.


BTW, if you mean for the All On or All Off buttons, it's best to use a scene and not a program.

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Um feeling pretty stupid here but how do you add a program to a button as a trigger? I only see how to add scenes to a button. I do want to make physically pressing the button run the program. Sorry for my ignorance....and many thanks for your help.

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 how do you add a program to a button as a trigger? I only see how to add scenes to a button. I do want to make physically pressing the button run the program. Sorry for my ignorance....and many thanks for your help.

Stu's suggestion is to create a program that catches the button press, and the ISY execute the steps of that program


Here's one I use to set my HVAC systems to "Away" mode, by pressing a keypad key labeled "away"

HVAC Home / Away - Keypad - [ID 0021][Parent 0017]

        'Kitchen / Backdoor.Outside / Backdoor.Away' Status is On
        Set 'HVAC / Family Room' Home / Away Away
        Set 'HVAC / Family Room' Home / Away Home
Nodelink will cause the Upstairs thermostat to sync home and away 
within 30 seconds of this program changing

Important to note: You can have both of these things happen at the same time:

  • Your insteon network controlling devices via a scene connected to a switch/sensor/keypad key, independent of the ISY   ... and..
  • ISY programs capturing the local physical change of a switch/keypad button and taking action

You do want to be careful that the program is also not immediately issuing insteon commands, those could collide with the scene being executed by the keypad key. If you need to do insteon commands, put "Wait 2 seconds" as the first program statement



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Paul, it appears that you're on v.5+. If so, then you should so indicate as the programming statements differ a bit from what, I'd guess, most readers are using.

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Stu - good point, the 'Then' statement is v5, however the 'If' will work for v4 or v5.. that's what I wanted to highlight


Not so, here's a typical If Status statement for v4:


        Status  'EX / Devices / EX Garden Main' is Off


Note that "Status" is at the beginning. In v5, it's near the end of the statement. It's a minor difference, but may confuse a noob who won't be able to replicate the statement.

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 Thanks for your help.

Still struggling with this.

this isn't working as below



Program is called "all off"

Switch to control is call "front porch/ all off"

scene "all on" turns all the lights on



Control "front porch/ all off" is switched off


Status "front porch/ all off' is off



status "light 1" is not off


status"light 2" is not off 



set scene "all on" off


no action

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"Not working" is somewhat ambiguous. What specifically is not working that you expect to happen? Is there any reason for all the conditions? If not, then there are two simple approaches, scenes and/or programs.


For the scenes, include all the devices you want controlled as responders and the respective button as the only controller. The All ON scene has the button set to non-Toggle On ad the All off scene has the button set to non-Toggle Off. All responders will turn On of Off simultaneously.


For the programs, use Control (not Status) On or Off as the trigger (If). Include the respective devices you want controlled as Then statements. You can, optionally, set the On-level for each device you want turned on. There's no need to set On-levels for the off program, off is off. The devices will respond sequentially. Also, set the non-Toggle mode appropriately

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