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Another Harmony question

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Hi all,


I know this has been discussed in detail all over the forums but I can't wrap my head around all the info.


Right now, I have a keypad button to turn my speakers On and Off. 2 separate IFTTT Applets that send a Start or Stop Activity to Harmony. Great! A very small delay compared when called with Alexa but does exactly what I need. --


2 issue. 


How do I have the Hub send IR signal to the ISY ? I read this but I'm lost http://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY-99i_Series_INSTEON:Adding_IR_Commands. 


If my "turn speakers on" activity in Harmony includes the ISY, it should be able to turn the keypad button on/off through a program?


I just need simple control of my harmony integration.


As far as Alexa, as long as ISY is part of (sounds like this is possible in the docs and I can add ISY to an activity in the Harmony app), when I say "Alexa turn on the speakers", the activity will run, Harmony will IR to the ISY, who in turn will turn my Keypad on/off so everything is in sync?


How far off reality am I?





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How do I have the Hub send IR signal to the ISY ?


If my "turn speakers on" activity in Harmony includes the ISY, it should be able to turn the keypad button on/off through a program?


As far as Alexa, as long as ISY is part of (sounds like this is possible in the docs and I can add ISY to an activity in the Harmony app), when I say "Alexa turn on the speakers", the activity will run, Harmony will IR to the ISY, who in turn will turn my Keypad on/off so everything is in sync?


The harmony hub has IR blasters. One of them will need to be pointed at your ISY's IR receiver (assuming you have an IR model of course). I have one dedicated blaster from my harmony hub for ISY related commands and have it affixed directly over the IR receiver.


This will allow you to program a button on your Harmony that will send an IR command at your ISY. Then you will need to program the IR command on the ISY to do what you want when it gets which ever IR command.


Because you are using IFFT for your keypad the ISY will not know status. If you use a state variable you can keep track of the status from either the keypad or your Harmony - you would need to add a step in both on/Off routines that would check /set the variable.

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I found that the Harmony Hub itself blasts an IR signal all over the room that it's in. I even have one behind a sound bar. I also use the default codes that the IR module provides. You'll also need the add the ISY IR Module to the Hub as a device.


Then assign a code to an unused Harmony remote button and use that code as a program trigger.

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Thanks for the replies!


Here's where I am - 

I got it to work like this. @atmarosi, you mentioned variables. How would I implement that into what I have?

And sorry, before you read on, How do I paste formatted Programs on here?

<?xml version="1.0" ?><triggers><d2d><trigger><id>24</id><name>Living TV ON Keypad</name><parent>1</parent><if><and /><control id="DON" node="45 7E 4F 6" op="IS"></control><or /><ir><code>1</code><op>=</op><control>PRE</control></ir></if><then><net><cmd>6</cmd><parm>3</parm></net><cmd id="DOF" node="6266"></cmd><cmd id="DON" node="43338"></cmd></then><else></else><comment></comment></trigger></d2d></triggers>
<?xml version="1.0" ?><triggers><d2d><trigger><id>24</id><name>Living TV ON Keypad</name><parent>1</parent><if><and /><control id="DON" node="45 7E 4F 6" op="IS"></control><or /><ir><code>1</code><op>=</op><control>PRE</control></ir></if><then><net><cmd>6</cmd><parm>3</parm></net><cmd id="DOF" node="6266"></cmd><cmd id="DON" node="43338"></cmd></then><else></else><comment></comment></trigger></d2d></triggers>
<?xml version="1.0" ?><triggers><d2d><trigger><id>24</id><name>Living TV ON Keypad</name><parent>1</parent><if><and /><control id="DON" node="45 7E 4F 6" op="IS"></control><or /><ir><code>1</code><op>=</op><control>PRE</control></ir></if><then><net><cmd>6</cmd><parm>3</parm></net><cmd id="DOF" node="6266"></cmd><cmd id="DON" node="43338"></cmd></then><else></else><comment></comment></trigger></d2d></triggers>

Sorry for these basic questions. I'm learning to utilize programs in the most efficient way so it's easier to diagnose down the road. I'll take 1 program over 4 any day.

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