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Alexa Device Type? (ISY Portal)


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Alexa never forgets unless specifically told to. You probably have both entries. In any case, forget the errant "scene," (both if it's both a scene and a device) and re-discover. It should appear as only a device. You may have to wrestle with both the smartphone and computer app separately if you use both.

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Alexa never forgets unless specifically told to. You probably have both entries. In any case, forget the errant "scene," (both if it's both a scene and a device) and re-discover. It should appear as only a device. You may have to wrestle with both the smartphone and computer app separately if you use both.

I "forgot" living room lights and rediscovered living room lights. Even though Alexa category "Light" is selected it still pulled into Alexa as a scene. It basically appears that the "alexa" device category being specified in the portal is being completely ignored and it is just using the ISY category.

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I "forgot" living room lights and rediscovered living room lights. Even though Alexa category "Light" is selected it still pulled into Alexa as a scene. It basically appears that the "alexa" device category being specified in the portal is being completely ignored and it is just using the ISY category.

The two category selections are not related.


One is an ISY category and the other is Alexa's categorisation = "device"  or "not a device".


This caused me some grief, at first,  wondering where half my devices went. :)

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The two category selections are not related.


One is an ISY category and the other is Alexa's categorisation = "device" or "not a device".


This caused me some grief, at first, wondering where half my devices went. :)

I have no idea how that relates to the issue? Are you saying that the specification of the Alexa category in the ISY portal is irrelevant? So why is it even there? I need to control these as LIGHTS in Alexa.


Sent from my SM-T710 using Tapatalk

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I have no idea how that relates to the issue? Are you saying that the specification of the Alexa category in the ISY portal is irrelevant? So why is it even there? I need to control these as LIGHTS in Alexa.


Sent from my SM-T710 using Tapatalk

I believe this categorisation by Alexa is or the prupose of linking only certain devices to an Amazon device. Since I do not have an android v5.0+ OS (or maybe an iOS device)  this is only a PITA to me.

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@rebirth24, In Alexa, does your ISY scene appear under devices, or under scenes?


If it appears under devices, this is the expected behavior.




I suspect the confusion for OP is that Alexa describes the device as "ISY Scene address #####" but it does appear under devices and works as expected, for me anyhow.

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I have no idea how that relates to the issue? Are you saying that the specification of the Alexa category in the ISY portal is irrelevant? So why is it even there? I need to control these as LIGHTS in Alexa.


Sent from my SM-T710 using Tapatalk


This only works if you switched to the V3 skill, where type can be used by Alexa.  If you have done that, then selecting category lights makes your scene appear under the device heading, which will let you use it for "light only" actions in the Amazon ecosystem.

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This only works if you switched to the V3 skill, where type can be used by Alexa.  If you have done that, then selecting category lights makes your scene appear under the device heading, which will let you use it for "light only" actions in the Amazon ecosystem.

Boom! Completely my BAD on this one guys. I thought (or assumed) I was at V3 and of course I wasn't...ugh... Sorry for the bother/confusion.

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