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I/OLinc Output Relay State after a power loss.

Brian H

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I was wondering if this is normal for an I/OLinc. If the output relay is On and there is a power loss. At power restoration the relay stays Off.

Most Insteon devices with an output remember their state on power up. The I/OLinc seems to default to Off.

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Brian, I see that as well. Darrell wrote some programs that will monitor a KPL button and ensures it's state is reset after a power loss.


Here is a version for the relay:

       Status  '0F.8A.48-Relay' is On

       Set Program 'IOLinc On' To Run At Startup
       Set Program 'IOLinc Off' To Not Run At Startup

       Set Program 'IOLinc On' To Not Run At Startup
       Set Program 'IOLinc Off' To Run At Startup


IOLinc On

  - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition')

       Set '0F.8A.48-Relay' On

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


IOLinc Off

  - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition')

       Set '0F.8A.48-Relay' Off

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


This will only work if the ISY is also affected by the power loss.



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Thanks for the code.


I also found an EARLY EZIO2X4s relays also do the same thing. I don't know if the later ones are different. Since mine also forgets any X10 addresses on a power loss. I guess it has an old Firmware.

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