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Insteon Thermostat Does Not Engage Auxillary Heat


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Do you have other Insteon dual band devices besides the PLM?  Having a mesh of dual band devices (switchlincs and lamplincs being most common) will greatly increase com reliability, especially having one fairly close to the thermostat (thermostat is only RF so it needs a radio fairly close by).


Also, could there be some appliance/device that runs in the morning that is putting noise into your system?


All my Insteon devices:

- 2 thermostats


- I/O Linc for the garage door

- In-wall Light dimmer

And that's it.  I've looked over timing to see if something could be creating problems in the morning.  It's possible my wife might use the microwave in the morning, but I question whether she'd be using it every morning just at the time commands are being sent - I doubt that exact a consistency and know she doesn't use it much for breakfast.

Do you use Insteon only, or Insteon and Z-Wave or other systems as well?


That is not a lot of insteon devices, and the IOLInc is, certainly, not dual band (I don't know if the thermostats repeat commands and can be used for phase bridging.)  I certainly wonder whether you have good communications between the legs of your electrical system.  Have you ever performed the phase bridge test?


That is not a lot of insteon devices, and the IOLInc is, certainly, not dual band (I don't know if the thermostats repeat commands and can be used for phase bridging.)  I certainly wonder whether you have good communications between the legs of your electrical system.  Have you ever performed the phase bridge test?


No.  We moved in during late September, had a wedding here about 10 days later and since then I've been working non-stop on all the little things.  It took me weeks before I could even install the Insteon thermostats.  (It's a new house and I was very intimately involved in the construction and site work - there's still a lot to do, like filling in trenches, landscaping, erosion prevention, and so on.)


You should get yourself maybe 4 lamplincs.  Even if you don't have any lamps, they make great repeaters and can be bought for $25 pretty easily.  SH just had them on sale, 2 for 1, maybe still do.


I would put one of the lamplincs close to each of your thermostats (like within 25 feet) and the other two I would put fairly close to your plm, makeing sure you have at least one of them on the leg of power that your PLM is not on.


You could of course do the similar thing with switchlincs, but of course that requires installation.


I have been looking at making a program that tracks how fast the furnace is heating things up.  This would be a useful parameter as to whether you need aux heat.  I have not tested this program, but I believe it will tell you how much the temp changed every 10 minutes.  The answer would be a negative number.  So if it went from 65 to 68, then it would be -3.


This is completed untested, so I may have missed something, but here it is anyway. 

hvac speed - [iD 0083][Parent 0082]
hvac speed - [ID 0083][Parent 0082]

        'HVAC Mt. Tabor / Mt. Tabor-Hall-Back Wall / 39.3C.E2 - Heat Ctl' is switched On
    And 'HVAC Mt. Tabor / Mt. Tabor-Hall-Back Wall / 39.3C.E2 - Heat Ctl' is not switched Off
        Set 'HVAC Mt. Tabor / Mt. Tabor-Hall-Back Wall' Query
        Wait  10 seconds
        $i.temp.progress2  = 'HVAC Mt. Tabor / Mt. Tabor-Hall-Back Wall' Temperature °
        Wait  10 minutes 
        Repeat Every  10 minutes 
           Set 'HVAC Mt. Tabor / Mt. Tabor-Hall-Back Wall' Query
           Wait  10 seconds
           $i.temp.progress1  = $i.temp.progress2
           $i.temp.progress2  = 'HVAC Mt. Tabor / Mt. Tabor-Hall-Back Wall' Temperature °
           $i.temp.progress1 -= 'HVAC Mt. Tabor / Mt. Tabor-Hall-Back Wall' Temperature °
           $s.temp.difference  = $i.temp.progress1
        $s.temp.difference  = -1000   (something out of range so that it for changes after the first 10 minutes to trigger the next program)
        turn off aux heat

For example, you want to see at least 1 degree every 10 minutes, or if it is below 20 outside when it flips on

aux tirgger - [ID 0085][Parent 0082]

             'HVAC Mt. Tabor / Mt. Tabor-Hall-Back Wall / 39.3C.E2 - Heat Ctl' is switched On
         And $i.Outdoor.Temperature < 20
     Or (
             $s.temp.difference > -1    
         And $i.Outdoor.Temperature < 40
   turn on aux heat
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')



You say 40% of your Insteon install is thermostats? In my book that equates to 100% frustration. Insteon Thermostats are junk, I hate to say it.

In my opinion their switches are good. I wouldn’t abandon Insteon based on their thermostats.

You asked a question that I will ask again of the forum - what thermostats, Z wave or other, are good options with the ISY?

Personally I’m interested to hear any good options since one of my five-year-old “stand-alone with WiFi” Honeywell thermostats appears to be starting to die.


I have been looking at making a program that tracks how fast the furnace is heating things up. This would be a useful parameter as to whether you need aux heat. I have not tested this program, but I believe it will tell you how much the temp changed every 10 minutes. The answer would be a negative number. So if it went from 65 to 68, then it would be -3.


This is completed untested, so I may have missed something, but here it is anyway.

hvac speed - [ID 0083][Parent 0082]

        'HVAC Mt. Tabor / Mt. Tabor-Hall-Back Wall / 39.3C.E2 - Heat Ctl' is switched On
    And 'HVAC Mt. Tabor / Mt. Tabor-Hall-Back Wall / 39.3C.E2 - Heat Ctl' is not switched Off
        Set 'HVAC Mt. Tabor / Mt. Tabor-Hall-Back Wall' Query
        Wait  10 seconds
        $i.temp.progress2  = 'HVAC Mt. Tabor / Mt. Tabor-Hall-Back Wall' Temperature °
        Wait  10 minutes 
        Repeat Every  10 minutes 
           Set 'HVAC Mt. Tabor / Mt. Tabor-Hall-Back Wall' Query
           Wait  10 seconds
           $i.temp.progress1  = $i.temp.progress2
           $i.temp.progress2  = 'HVAC Mt. Tabor / Mt. Tabor-Hall-Back Wall' Temperature °
           $i.temp.progress1 -= 'HVAC Mt. Tabor / Mt. Tabor-Hall-Back Wall' Temperature °
           $s.temp.difference  = $i.temp.progress1
     turn off aux heat
     $s.temp.difference = 10000        (something out of range so that it for changes after the first 10 minutes to trigger the next program)

For example, if you wanted to trigger aux heat if the temp didn't go up by at least one degree, you would say
aux tirgger - [ID 0085][Parent 0082]

        $s.temp.difference > -1
   - turn on aux heat
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

apostolakisl, your programs are interesting. Do they require V5x?



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


apostolakisl, your programs are interesting. Do they require V5x?



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

No, this should all be in older versions.  Please note, I made some changes to it while you were composing your post.


Watching my above programs run.  It looks good.


On this program, I realized you would also want to include that there is a significant difference between set temp and actual temp before turning on Aux heat.  So added one new program to track the difference and added a new condition to the aux heat activation.  


Below measures the difference between actual and set and puts into a variable every time the actual temp or set temp changes.

temp dif from set - [ID 0086][Parent 0082]

        'HVAC Mt. Tabor / Mt. Tabor-Hall-Back Wall' Temperature is not -50.0°
     Or 'HVAC Mt. Tabor / Mt. Tabor-Hall-Back Wall' Heat Setpoint is not 0°
        $i.temp.dif.from.set  = 'HVAC Mt. Tabor / Mt. Tabor-Hall-Back Wall' Heat Setpoint °
        $i.temp.dif.from.set -= 'HVAC Mt. Tabor / Mt. Tabor-Hall-Back Wall' Temperature °
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

Now the change to the aux activation program.

aux tirgger - [ID 0085][Parent 0082]

        $i.temp.dif.from.set > 3
    And (
                  'HVAC Mt. Tabor / Mt. Tabor-Hall-Back Wall / 39.3C.E2 - Heat Ctl' is switched On
              And $i.Outdoor.Temperature < 20
          Or (
                  $s.temp.change.last.10.minutes > -1
              And $i.Outdoor.Temperature < 40
   turn on aux heat
   turn off aux heat
   $s.temp.difference = -10000 (something out of range so that it for changes after the first 10 minutes to trigger the next program)


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