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Why is this program triggering on the second condition?

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My program is below. I want it to only trigger if the "Alarm-Sensor" goes from on to off. Once that happens, I want the Sensor to be checked, and to run the if or else based on that. The problem I am having is that this program runs every time the sensor changes status. How do you make a program trigger on only one of the conditions?




        'Alarm-Sensor' is switched Off

    And 'Outside / Outside LV-Sensor' Status is Off



        Set 'Kitchen / Hot Water' On



        Set 'Kitchen / Accent Lights' On

        Set 'Main Stairs / Main Stairs Foot Lights' On

        Set 'Kitchen / Hot Water' On


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The ISY will extract a list of trigger events from the If statement of your program. For the program in your original post, the list of trigger events will likely look like this:


'Alarm-Sensor' issues DOF command

'Outside / Outside LV-Sensor' state value changes


If I understand you correctly you only want the program to trigger on "'Alarm-Sensor' issues DOF command" and then have the program evaluate the status of the 'Outside / Outside LV-Sensor' and execute the Then statements or Else statements accordingly. If this is correct, you need two programs:


'First Program' (enabled):


        'Alarm-Sensor' is switched Off
        Run Program 'Second Program' If
        -- Nothing --
'Second Program' (disabled):
    'Outside / Outside LV-Sensor' Status is Off
        Set 'Kitchen / Hot Water' On
        Set 'Kitchen / Accent Lights' On
        Set 'Main Stairs / Main Stairs Foot Lights' On
        Set 'Kitchen / Hot Water' On
Since the 'Second Program' is disabled, no trigger conditions will be extracted. Thus, the only thing that will trigger the two programs is 'Alarm-Sensor' being switched to Off.
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Thanks everyone. I came from Houselinc which had a very specific trigger case, and then secondary conditionals once that trigger(s) were thrown. Kind of interesting that it isn't more naturally handled in the ISY, but thanks for the hacks.

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Let's not reopen that can of worms!   :?

Yes, we have all been begging for ISY to optinally disable items in the if cluase from being triggers.  But it doesn't seem to be happening.


So, you need two programs.  Program 1  contains the triggers and does a "run if" on program 2 (which is set to disabled).  Program 2 contains the other conditions as well as the then/else.

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And since some things trigger (state variables) but others don’t (integer variables), and who knows when nodeserver events are triggers or not - I think the admin console *really* needs to gain color coding if the ‘if’ clause (like scene member devices). List the conditions in red if they are triggers. Please?.. :)

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Adding ‘when’ is definitely a better representation - but likely much more work. This can already be achieved with two programs - but the issue of knowing which if clause triggers and which is tested is still present in the first program. Color coding is likely easier for a quick upgrade - just knowing which if conditions are triggers will help.

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