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Motion sensor/outlet timer


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I have an insteon motion sensor set to turn on an insteon outside outlet. The devices on that outlet will trigger the motion sensor, such that it will create a loop whereby the devices will never shut off. That's not what I want.

I would like to set up a situation where the outlet will only turn on for 30 seconds, then turn off. Then if I set the countdown on the motion detector to 1 minute, the whole system should reset?

Can someone please point me in the right direction? I can change the above devices to z-wave if needed


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The MS is a controller only. A device cannot trigger the sensor. Describe you set-up in more detail. And what do you mean by, "the whole system should reset?" Do you want to reset the ISY?

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Thank you

Trying to keep deer out of my roses. I have a program where the MS will turn on the outlet when triggered. I want to put strobe lights and a device that makes noise and movement on the insteon outlet.  When the deer enter the garden, I want to have the outlet turn on for 30 seconds, then turn off. In my program under "else", I instruct the outlet to turn off if the MS is off. However, the MS won't turn off if the devices on the outlet are active (strobe light and noise and movement device). So I guess in essence, I am trying to turn the outlet into a countdown timer, so that it would shut off after 30 seconds. If I set the countdown on the MS to 1 minute, then it too should shut off, until the next deer intrusion. I might be trying to build a Rube Goldberg device here, any advise on how to do this, or other approaches would be appreciated

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It seems that you condition does trigger the Else. Else doesn't run by itself. There must be a condition that triggers the Else statement. Post your program (right click, select Copy to Clipboard).

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I think I figured it out

One of the actions under "then" is "wait"

I can set the outlet to turn on,  wait 30 seconds, then turn off

That seems to work. Now if the neighbors haven't noticed me running around in front of the house at 10pm in 30 degree weather waving my hands over my head, then all should be well :)

Thanks for weighing in!

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