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Very slow after upgrade to v.4.6.2


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Long time user. Everything worked fine until recent upgrade to v.4.6.2. (First upgrade in several years  - from a version 4.0.5.)

Now it takes a very long time for several programs to run. (Actually watching the admin console program summary page shows the program runs and completes instantaneously but the device doesn't respond to the program for several minutes.) Example: I have the following program that turns off the backlight for a Keypad 7. Takes several minutes before the backlight goes off, and occasionally it never does and have to re-run the program:

If Control 'LEDs / Master BR-KPL-5' is switched OFF

Then Set 'LEDs / Master BR-KPL-5' on 7 / Off 0 (Backlight Level)

Else No Actions

Previously (version 4.0.5) the backlight would respond in a matter of a few seconds - was never instantaneous, but it never took 5 or 6 minutes like it does now.

Also, I've noticed that when I use the MobilLinc App from iPad, it takes *forever* when I manually sync the controller...the device message that shows during each update used to flash by very fast, now each one shows for a second or more. Not sure this problem is related to above, but it sure seems that everything slowed down with v.4.6.2.


Thanks for any ideas.


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Do you have any battery powered devices? Have you updated them (one-at-a-time)? If your response is yes and no, respectively, then that's a probable cause for the slowdown. The reason is that the ISY is attempting to update each device sequentially, but can't if they're not in linking mode.

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Yes I have several battery powered devices (those magnetic window sensors) that I haven't changed the batteries for years - so I get several 'cannot communicate' messages every time I fire up the admin console (including a couple of those light switches that don't have the ground wire - wifi only control).

I'll try disabling all those with communication errors and see if the ISY speeds up.

Not sure why this would have started happening with a software upgrade, but I'll try it.



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A software upgrade tries to update everything it can find on your network. If you have an ISY Pro, then you can disable battery updates all at once without disabling anything.

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