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LampLinc: ON level 1-100% works, 0% does not


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5 minutes ago, Wingsy said:

Well, they DO mention what an OFF command will do. They say it will be ignored but that is definitely not true. If the Sense input goes OFF while the IOLInc is timing out, it goes OFF. I started off down this road a long time ago believing what I read in the manual, and that is why I wear a helmet whenever I start fooling around with an IOLinc. It doesn't hurt as much when I bang my head against the wall.

From the manual:

Momentary A

Either an ON or OFF command can be programmed to trigger the I/O Linc relay. The other command will be ignored. For example, if an ON command is programmed to trigger the relay, an OFF command will be ignored.


I'm going to start another thread to talk about exactly what an IOLinc will do. I've got one here in front of me with a toggle switch connected to the Sense input and the ISY console running on my computer. First I'll try all combinations of the Options screen and report the results of what I get. (I've done this before.)


Yes. A simple logic grid would be worth a thousand words. SH never seemed too good at logic, or conveying it to users.


I think a new thread with the appropriate title would be good.

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