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Controlling Low Voltage Lighting


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I had some under the counter kitchen halogen "hockey puck" lights which I wanted to control using leftover Appliancelinc modules I had. If you have similar low voltage lights, they are typically powered by cheap, electronic transformers that are made in China. These transformers generate a fair amount of line noise; for me, this meant that when the Appliancelinc module controlling these transformers were turned on, there was enough line noise generated by the combination to interfere with the operation of other Switchlinc and Keypadlinc modules in the apartment.


I noticed the noise by looking at other Appliancelincs and Access Points on walls - their indicators were flashing very very rapidly. When the light was turned off, normal operation of other Insteon switches was restored.


To get rid of the noise, I plugged transformer into a Filterlinc, then plugged in the Filterlinc into the Appliancelinc. When this setup was plugged in, the Appliancelinc started to toggle itself in rapid succesion; I think the Appliancelinc was sensing some residual voltage from the Filterlinc, enough to trigger the Appliancelinc.


I was able to get this filtered line setup to work by plugging a power strip into the Appliancelinc's controlled plug, then plugging the Filterlinc into one of the power strip outlets, and plugging the transformer into the Filterlinc. Somehow, creating a bit of distance between the Appliancelnc and Filterlinc allowed the setup to work.

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I've had this issue on a couple of low voltage items when using older ApplianceLincs (V1.3), even with Load Sense turned off. Sometimes they worked okay, other times they'd flash the load on & off repeatedly. I swapped them with newer ApplianceLincs (V4.1) and everything works fine now.

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