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Can't Determine Insteon Engine 2 New 2466DW Swithces


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I just purchased and installed 2 Toggle linc Dimmers 2466DW in a 3 way circuit in my bedroom.  The switches work fine locally to control the ceiling highhats.  They cannot be added to the Isy994i- and both give "cannot determine insteon engine"  when either added as a "new insteon device" or as "start linking"-  They initially show up as a device to be added but no srx is returned in the event viewer and the error is sent after the 3rd attempt as expectd.   I am using  firmware v.4.6.2 and the UI is the same.  Both switches have been factory reset and returned the long 10sec beep acknowledging the reset. The PLM is v9E and I have not had any issues with more than 30 other devices- rf and dual band until now.  Are these switches defective??  In the New Insteon Device "Device Type" field- only 01.17 Togglelinc Dimmer 2466D is an available choice - Auto Discover gives the same error.  

Can someone advise me how to proceed??


ISY-Events-Log.v4.6.2__Sun 2018.03.25 10.32.36 PM.txt

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The 2466DW is a power line only Insteon module.

It looks like they are not receiving the power line signals or they are responding and the response is no getting back to the PLM.

If you have a dual band module you may plug into a location near the switches. It may allow communications to proceed.

Have you done any dual band modules built in communications tests? To see if you have both incoming phases of the power communicating?

If you have the PLM on the same power as the computer, on a filtered surge strip or through an UPS. They are one factor effecting Insteon power line communications.

If you can safely temporarily put on of the 2466DW modules on a power cord and plug it in on the same power as the PLM. Then see if you can add it.  Would give you more clues to a possible communications issue.

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Thanks- both switches are on the other side of a wall where the PLM is plugged in directly into an outlet and another Insteon switch that was installed a few months ago in the same room as the new switches works fine.  If the Red "Load" wire and Line were reversed on one of the switches- (only situation where I had to guess in the install) would it function and could that be a cause & would it affect the main switch?

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Even though the devices are in  the same room they may not be on the same power line leg which could inhibit the device and the PLM communications

If the red load wire and the line wire are reversed the switch would not work.

Guessing should not be an option, you should pick up a voltage tester such as this one  https://www.amazon.com/Non-Contact-BEBONCOOL-Electrical-Inductive-Multi-meter/dp/B076Q1K2VM/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?ie=UTF8&qid=1522072971&sr=8-1-spons&keywords=voltage+detector&psc=1



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A voltage tester is inadequate, it can often give a reading on the load wire. Use a meter, even the least costly meter will suffice.

BTW,how did you get both switches to control the load?  That's not possible until you create a scene unless you linked them manually.

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Thanks, I found that out with the voltage tester- next time will use a VOM.  Since the switches work, I'm glad they are wired correctly.

After the ISY gave the "can't determine insteon engine" message,  I tried to link them manually and they obviously linked.  I'm not sure what the communication issue is with 

these particular Togglelinc dimmers and the ISY-  I have 20+ other devices that are working fine but these are the only 2 of this type.  I wonder if they are a faulty batch?

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