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Router Replacement and ISY


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I have a defective router which I am replacing and sending back to my ISP.  Before removing it, I want to remove all my information regarding my devices. How should I handle the ISY994. Should I disconnect the ISY from the router before removing entries in the router or is there some other procedure to follow. I see in the wiki how to add the new router but I am unsure of the steps to remove the old router. 

Any help would be appreciated.  Thank you

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Most routers have the ability to reset to factory default settings built into them.  My suggestion is that once you have the new router up and running reset the old one to factory default before returning it.


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Yes, factory reset as jrainey suggests... search the web for the brand and model of your router + "manual pdf".. that should get you the manual.... then search that for the factory reset directions. 

If you can't find factory reset directions and you don't see them when looking at the routers configuration page.. you might have to go through the menus and delete specific configurations you might have made (if you did). Probably the most important things to delete are

  • firewall rules / ports opened
  • static dhcp assignments (where you gave your network devices a specific local IP address every time)...
  • and logs.. logs will have a lot info about your network's history / behavior

If any of those things apply to you and you can't factory reset for some reason,  go and find those items under the configuration pages and manually delete if possible. 

You're on the right track.. factory reset any network devices you replace, hard drives etc. Or destroy if that's possible


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Thanks guys. I was able find a reset button on the back and reset everything back to the factory settings. Would not have thought of doing that without your mentioning it. I was going to go line by line and remove things. 

I was fortunate. My ISY connected without having to reset it and it is working fine this evening. 

Thanks again

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