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I/O Linc #2450

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I am installing an Insteon Select Water Shutoff Valve.  I have the following questions;

1.  When I installed the I/O Linc #2450, the device screen on my ISY shows two devices, a sensor and a relay.  What is the difference between the two and which is for closing the valve once a leak sensor triggers a water leak signal?

2.  I read on the forums at Smarthome that the water shutoff valve nipples are not standard and will be prone to leak.  Does anyone know if this has ever been fixed with new production?


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I can comment on 1

The iolinc provides 2 functions in one insteon device

The relay node is like a switch device that can be commanded to go on, or off, to control something from the ISY.  Based on what the application requires, you can set the relay to be always on/off, or intermittent. As examples, Controlling a set of dampers would be always on or off base on your requirements. And a garage door would be intermittent.. a second or two press to get it moving.

The sensor node can detect when an external set of contacts are set on or off so the ISY knows something happend. As an example of sensor use, I have a rain sensor connected to an iolinc's sensor terminals, and it closes the contacts when X amount of rain falls and my ISY can stop sprinkling for a few days.

If I had to guess, your application is for the relay and always on until you want it open again, but I'm guessing, would need to see a link to the manual for the valve,


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Thanks.  You hit on another issue - there is no manual for the shutoff valve.  Just a wiring diagram on the Smarthome product page.  It is the first device that I have purchased where no instructions are provided. 

Your assumption is correct in that I want the valve always open.

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Ok. They show the concept there. Its best to "hover over" this picture on the product page.


Here's what to do:

  1. Get a 12 volt DC (direct current) powersupply. It powers the motor in the valve. Get this one unless you chose another one.
  2. If you bought the powersupply above, Cut the plug off the end of the cable. You might need a volt meter to determine which lead is +. It matters.  Sometimes the individual lead is marked somewhere and typically the + is marked 
  3. Wire it up like the picture. They say that black in the picture connected to the far right of the iolinc is the powersupply's positive lead. That means that turning the device "On" in the ISY will open the valve, and "Off" is closed.
  4. Do this on "the bench" and test it out with the admin console before physically installing the valve to be sure it all works the way you expect... eg it opens and closes the right way when commanded. If not make changes/check back here before proceeding to install the valve.
  5. Then install the valve.

Once you get it working, you can use ISY programs to shut the valve off when the sensor detects water, and send you a notification. You can use programs, a mobile app or the admin console to turn it back on once you fix the water problem


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