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Ignoring a Motion Trigger when House is Put To Sleep


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Hello All,


I am trying to right a new program using a motion sensor and I’m a bit stuck. So, I figured I would cry out for help to the experts in this forum for a push in the right direction. :)


I’m sure what I’m trying to do can be accomplished, but I must be overlooking something important because I can’t get it to work.




Basically, my fiancée and I use the garage door exit whenever we leave/arrive home.


The problem is that right now when we come in that side door and all the lights are off, it is incredibly dark.


I’ve put a motion sensor above the door (on the ceiling) facing down towards the door. This way as soon as the door is opened, the motion sensor is triggered and I run a program named “Welcome Home†that turns on the lights.


All of that works great!


The issue is that by that side door I have a 6-button keypad with the master on/off switch tied to a program that puts the entire house to sleep. So, whenever we leave, we press ‘off’ and all the lights in the house turn off.


So, where I’m stuck is this…


We’ll press the “off†button which runs a program to turn off all the lights.

Then we’ll open that side door to leave, which triggers the motion and runs a program that turns on the lights to welcome us home.


What I really need to do is to be able to say “If that ‘off’ button is pressed, ignore any new commands for 5 minutesâ€, this way we have time to leave and the motion sensor trigger will be ignored.


But, I have no idea how to do that or if it can be done.


I thought about doing something like “If ‘House Sleep = true’ then don’t run the motion sensor program. The issue is that when we actually come home and open the door, that program is still true, but at that point we want the motion sensor program to run.


I hope that makes sense.


Does anyone have any ideas?


I greatly appreciate any and all help…and I’ll try anything! :D



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This one is easy peasy.


If the Program to put the house Off is called HouseOff add to the conditional line to only run if the house program is at least 5 minutes



          Status MotionSensor is On
   And Time is Last Run Time for 'HouseOff' + 5 minutes
        Run Program 'Welcome Home' 


This is found in the program under the "Schedule" and select "Last Run"



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