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INSTEON Training


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I would like to hear from anyone on the board who is interested in our INSTEON training and certification program. I'm in the process of putting together next years training schedule and would welcome any input on locations around the country where you would like to see a training class.

I'll also do my best to help answer any INSTEON programming questions.




Steve L


National Training Manager

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Steve -


We traded emails a month or 2 back about me attending training at EHX. I asked about a 201 class, since I already have a very good understanding of Insteon, and have a fairly complex system at my home. I had sent you an email asking if this was something I should sign up for ahead of time, or if I could sign up at the show.


I would love to attend a training, but my time will be short at EHX so I want to be sure I use my time wisely. That's why I'd prefer a 201 class.


Please let me know.



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I will be comming to Boston next year, the date....not sure yet but before the end of the year I should have the 2008 schedule posted. The 201 was put in place to go over large installations, like where do you start and how to be efficient in programming. The class also has a skill test for those that want to be listed on the Smarthome site as a Cetrified INSTEON Dealer.

As far as the 201 at EHX I will do 1 a day probably in the afternoon maybe around 3 or 4pm. I'll make a note that you would like to attend, so come by the room in the morning any day before the class and we will have a actual time.



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