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Can't program KeypadLinc 6 2486D


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I noticed the other day that I cannot program the buttons A to D anymore on my keypad. The main works to turn on and off, but when I press A it turns on then off and nothing happens. Restore Device from ISY doesn't change anything either.

I tried reseting the keypad by following these instructions:

1) Pull Set button out (creating an Air Gap)
2) Wait 10 Seconds
3) Push Set Button in and Hold it in - KeypadLinc will (Beep)
4) Release the Set button Device’s embedded software will re-write all settings to factory defaults A couple of seconds will pass KeypadLinc will (Beep)-(Beep) LEDs will return to normal brightness KeypadLinc returns to Ready Mode Connected load will turn on

However the KeypadLinc will continuously keep blinking at step 4 and never stops. So I never get to the Beep+Beep section.

Does anybody have an idea what else I could try out?


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