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Four way switch with two resonders


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I'm still a novice at the Insteon, and things have worked swimmingly well for the past 10 months so I have not had to really do any changes on my ISY. (I won't discuss the Schalge locks and Z-Wave...)

But, I'm scratching my head on this. It's probably easy... just I don't see it. 

I have a front and a back set of flood lights. Both the front and the back have a have a controller and responder, and that is set up and works fine as two two way switches. 

I'd like to have any one of the four switches (2 controllers and 2 responders) turn the front and back lights on and off simultaneously. I know  how to do it if I had one responder and three controllers.... but when I put the lights up 25 years ago they used 500 watt quartz halogen bulbs, so I could not put all six fixtures on one switch. (at least not without lots of drama...)

But today it's 2018, an the six flood lights now consume 480 watts when they are all on, thanks to RAB LED technology. 


Thanks in advance for the help. 


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I have a similar setup for my outside floods. Set up one scene in the ISY with all 4 switches. Make all of the switches controllers, so that that turning any one of them on/off turns all of the others on/off.  You won't need the other scenes, just have one.



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