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I may be having a couple issues to debug, but let me simply ask. Should the program below turn the KPL LED off (ie program is off) after it finishes, that is after 1 hour?



Control 'KPL Pool Eq B' is switched On



Send X10 'K16/On (3)'

Wait 1 hour

Send X10 'K16/Off (11)'



- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

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I may be having a couple issues to debug, but let me simply ask. Should the program below turn the KPL LED off (ie program is off) after it finishes, that is after 1 hour?


       Control 'KPL Pool Eq B' is switched On

       Send X10 'K16/On (3)'
       Wait  1 hour 
       Send X10 'K16/Off (11)'

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


Yes, that should work unless Control 'KPL Pool Eq B' is switched which will either restart the program or quit it if the button is switched any way but On. So if you switch KPL Pool Eq B Off the program will end before the Wait is over.


If you find that is the case you could watch for the Off.


       Control 'KPL Pool Eq B' is switched On
   And Control 'KPL Pool Eq B' is not switched Off

       Send X10 'K16/On (3)'
       Wait  1 hour 
       Send X10 'K16/Off (11)'

       Send X10 'K16/Off (11)'



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Thanks Sub-Routine


As you describe it is exactly how I want it to work However, after the 1 hr the light on the KPL was still on (like the program was still active), but like I said I am having a few other things to debug so it may not be related. I just wanted to make sure I was not missing something obvious, like I needed to add something like "stop program after the 1hr" which of course did not make sense to me as the program would be over after 1 hr, just wanted to make sure


I must have some other issue





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After thinking further (as your program works fine) could you explain in more detail

why you include the "And" line and the "Else" line. It should be simple but not totally clear to me




Control 'KPL Pool Eq B' is switched On

And Control 'KPL Pool Eq B' is not switched Off



Send X10 'K16/On (3)'

Wait 1 hour

Send X10 'K16/Off (11)'



Send X10 'K16/Off (11)'

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Supose this KPL button was one of 4 buttons with similar programs (just different wait time) and they were all Mutually exclusive. If the first button was pressed ON and the second button was then pressed on, would the first program in button A stop?

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Supose this KPL button was one of 4 buttons with similar programs (just different wait time) and they were all Mutually exclusive. If the first button was pressed ON and the second button was then pressed on, would the first program in button A stop?


No. The KPL will only send button B On and not a button A Off. You could write that into your program though. In your button B program add a line that says Stop program button A.



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