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Help.... Internet access


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I can not anymore access to my Isy-99i 2.7.3 when I am outside of my network home (XP), I have tried with computers with XP & Vista, Blackberry, ...


I do not remember exactly when I have this problem. When I have updated the new firmware of my modem (Linksys WRT54GS), when I have updated my Isy-99i version (2.6.15 to 2.7 or 2.7 to 2.7.1).


Also I have noted (at home) that I can not access to www.universal-devices.com or the forum site. Is it possible that my modem thinks that these pages as virus pages or something like this. I have disconnected the firewall, virus program, check if I have by mistake put these pages as dangerous, I have opened several ports, .... but no result.


It is strange because I have also cameras at home, I use my IP & port forwarding to access them & it is ok, I have just this problem with Isy-99i.


Thanks, Denis


It's interesting that you cannot access www.universal-devices.com from home, but at first glance it doesn't seem related. Have you rebooted your router/modem? If you still cannot access our site after that, I'd suggest contacting your internet provider for help.


As for accessing your ISY from outside the network, are you forwarding port 443 from your router to your ISY? Does your ISY have a static IP address?


Hello MikeB,


Yes it is very strange. I have called my internet provider & the problem does not cvome from his side.


I have connect another computer with my modem (no router, no firewall, ...) & I can not go to the webside (www.universal-devices.com) with explorer internet 7 & nothing... I have tried with my first computer & internet explorer 8 no result...


I have forwarded the port 443, I have a Automatic Configuration – DHCP.


But I do not understand why I can access (not from my home network) to my router, webcams... using the ip address + port & not to my isy ????


I have installed firefox to test another browser & I can access to www.universal-devices.com, tomorrow I will try to conenct to my isy...




If your ISY is configured for DHCP, that means the ISY's IP address could (and probably will) change. Are you sure you are forwarding port 443 to the correct IP address, and that it has not changed?


Yes the ip address changes but it is nto the problem because my the ip addresses of my webcams, ... run good.


I sure the problem comes from internet explorer but I can identify the problem.


I have desinstalled IE7 & 8 & used Firefox, I have no problem to see your site, I have re-installed IE7 & I have the same problem. I can not undertand why I can not access to your site (only your site) from my home & to my Isy from outside my home network.


Is it possible that you have blocked me or something like that on your server ?




Your ISY does not depend on Internet Explorer for remote access to your ISY, so though it does seem strange I can't see how it would be related. Nothing on our site would be blocking you - you eliminated that possibility by confirming you can access our site with FireFox.


Regarding remote access to your ISY, it's very possible that your ISY has picked up a new IP address while your webcams remain the same. I would double-check your ISY's LAN IP address and confirm that your router port forwards for port 443 still point to that address.


It's also possible that your ISP, or something else, is blocking or interfering with port 443 on your LAN. You could consider changing the ISY to use a different port and updating your router accordingly.


Hello Mike,


I would change one more time the port of the ISY. I have added (just to be sure) an exception to my firewall with the port 443 TCP. Port forward on the router is ok with 443.


Please, can you confirm me that the IP adrress I see in my GUI (menu Help - About) is really my IP address, I have to use to access to my ISY outside my home network. The address has no port number, just an ip address like


I will check in the next hours if I can connect outside from my home network, if not can I send you the info you need to connect you to my computer & ISY ?


Thanks, Denis


To be sure if your outside IP address, go to a site like:




If you're forwarding port 443 to the ISY, make sure the ISY's HTTPS port is still 443.


Also, when accessing from the outside, make sure to use HTTPS (and not HTTP) - like this:


If you are still having issues, feel free to submit a support request here and provide us your remote access information:



Sounds like your router is taking port 443 for remote administration. If you don't need to configure your router remotely, try to find an option to disable that function or at least change it to a different port.


HTTP is port 80 by default. If you wanted to use that you would need to forward port 80 to your ISY BUT we do not typically recommend this since all information transferred between your remote location and the ISY will be unencrypted.


If you want to keep your router as-is and use a differnent port for the ISY's HTTPS I would do the following:

- change your ISY's HTTPS port to something like 501 through TELNET

- forward port 501 from your router to your ISY's internal IP address

- access from the outside using:

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