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Apple Watch Series 3 and Extended Screens


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Does this still work? I can see my dashboard devices on the watch, but the status does not update, and if I touch any device, it doesn't change the status. All software is up to date. I tried resetting and starting again afresh on the watch but now all the devices just say "Loading" and I can't see the device titles. Attached is the Lighting Controller setup screen from my Mobilinc Settings.


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But those connections work fine for Mobilinc on the iPhone. I interpreted "Extended Screens" to mean extending the Mobilinc iOS experience to my Apple Watch. Are you saying the Apple Watch program is a fundamentally different program requiring different infrastructure to support it?

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Hi @Goose66

It's definitely a different program. It runs almost all on the watch and is different than the iPhone. Network, however, still mostly goes through the iPhone which has its own set of challenges. 

I can't speak to how the ISY Portal works, but for direct IP connections, the iPhone doesn't share active ports with the Apple Watch, so, auto-detecting which route to take can be problematic depending on a number of conditions if your router does not support IP Loopback. 

MobiLinc Connect is different in a fundamental way: all connections go through our server. No iPhone network routing conflicts to deal with. Plus, no limit to the number of connections to your ISY either like you have with a direct IP Connection.


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