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MobiLinc Connect and Alexa now supports Arming and Disarming your ELK! (US Only)


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Hi Folks,

We rolled out a MobiLinc Connect update this morning that now supports your ELK areas for arming and (optionally) disarming with Alexa.

For those with ELK security panels, open the Alexa app and discover devices. Your ELK areas should be discovered by Alexa, and the security panel setup process started. Alexa will ask if you'd like to enable disarm with voice. If you enable this, you can choose an Alexa-only voice 4 digit PIN code to use, or you can use any 4-digit PIN code your ELK accepts for disarming.

Example: If your primary ELK area is named "My Home," once added to Alexa you can say:
"Alexa, arm my home" (Arms in Stay Mode by default)
"Alexa, arm my home in away mode"
"Alexa, disarm my home" (Alexa will prompt for your 4-digit PIN if enabled)
"Alexa, is my home armed?"

Alexa supports arming in stay and away modes currently, but is expanding to support night modes and alarm processing soon. This feature is only available in the US currently.


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