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Elk output to mag lock


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Is there a way to name the outputs something other than “output 195”?

I have an m1-kam connected to a mag lock. It works great but I have yet found an acceptable way to set it so that it’s easily accessible via mobilinc, ekeypad, or agave. Every work around I’ve tried ends up not working for various reasons. Anybody else have a setup like this?

I have a program set up that says .... “then output off, else output on.”

i can show this program in the phone apps but there’s no clean way to see whether “THEN” is on or off and furthermore whether turning the output off locks or unlocks. Since something’s are normally open and others are normally closed. 

I tried creating a scene but can’t add programs to scenes. I’ve tried other stuff in the past and ended up giving up. I’m revisiting this and will try any suggestions.


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