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New User - Bought Home with existing system

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Hi Everyone!

I bought a house that was built in 2012 and the home builder installed a full insteon system (every light, door locks, everything). Which is really cool but I am the 3rd owner of the home and there is a lot not working. I ended up getting the Insteon Hub and was able to update all of the wrong links that were previously set up with is a whole other story. Basically I was able to get everything to work except for the obvious limitations that the HUB has versus the ISY which you are all aware of.

I don't think I should say his name online but a dude with the initials S.L. from Universal Devices was a huge help and helped me get into the ISY hub that I literally had no idea even existed  in my house. he spent 2 hours with me on the phone with me and gave me access. There were SO many errors that popped up. I now have them all cleared but I am still having a couple issues that I thought I could ask you all about. 

#1. Directions regarding Compacta EZIO40 - My biggest concern with my house is I have been slowly losing control of low voltage string lights that are under stairs, over cabinets and on archways in the house. When I go into my ISY I see that they are located in the Compacta EZIO40 v. FF. I have been trying to find instructions for it. There are 5 lights that go through it. There are also plug in's that go through In-LineLinc Relays that would be fun to read about.

#2. Because the ISY likely hasn't been touched (digitally)  since 2012 I am on a very old firmware (Insteon)UD99 v. 3.2.6 and UI Insteon UD994 v.4.6.2 . I cannot update the system. I've followed the Java rules (update and clear cache), Firewall turned off on laptop and Firewall on the server i've given the ISY a passthrough.

#3. In the "About" screen my product is ISY99i/IR Pro. When I look at pictures of those online they are "boxier" and do not have the vents and the different body design. My physical ISY unit does look physically like the 994 model when I search pictures online. Maybe I have the new body but the old "guts" inside?

Questions #2 & #3 are important because I want to upgrade to the 994i if I don't already own one (physically it looks like I do). I found directions on here on how to update from the 99i to the 994i but says you must upgrade to 3.3.10 but I can't get it to go through. I also upgrade some switches from 8 button switches to 6 button switches because I think they were fried. Anyways because I have a 99i (maybe) it doesn't load all of the buttons

I could probably write 9 other questions but I think this is fair start for now. Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks Everyone,

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Welcome to the UDI forum(s)!!!!

My first advise would be to upgrade the ISY99 to a new ISY994i and learn from scratch with the latest v5.0.14 from the beginning. You would need to have any upgraded (software) modules transferred to the new unit, which UDI is very co-operative for.

You would need to backup your existing setup, and/or write down any network resource codes (if any) programs, notifications and any other clues that will really help you for the newer version. Some interfaces (sounds like the light strips may apply here) can be hard to recreate even if you do have the spec sheets.

I doubt the two modules would be physically compatible. Memory and other hardware was added.


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