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0-10 ELV ZWave Dimmer for ISY


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We have a few large Insteon networks. However, we need to be able to control several 0-10 ELV LED lights. As Insteon dimmers will not work reliably I want to go ahead and use a compatible ZWave dimmer which will integrate into ISY.

I'm looking for recommendations on which ZWave dimmer to buy, any suggestions?

It should:

1) Update the status on the Insteon keypads.
2) Be able to be controlled by the Insteon Keypads (e.g. turn off the dimmer.)
3) Preferably dim from an Insteon switch/Keypad.

Here are a few I've found but I'm not sure if any of them will work well with ISY?

1) https://products.z-wavealliance.org/products/746
2) http://www.cooperindustries.com/content/public/en/wiring_devices/products/lighting_controls/aspire_rf_wireless/dimmers/ASPIRE-RF-All-Load-Smart-Dimmer-RF9540-N.html
3) https://www.amazon.com/Leviton-DZ6HD-1BZ-Decora-Dimmer-Technology/dp/B01N4F487U
4) https://www.homedepot.com/p/Leviton-Vizia-RF-600-Watt-Electronic-Low-Voltage-Scene-Capable-Dimmer-White-Ivory-Light-Almond-VRE06-1LZ/100662426?cm_mmc=Shopping%7CG%7CBase%7CD27E%7C27-2_WIRING_DEVICES%7CNA%7CPLA%7c71700000034239053%7c58700003946878363%7c92700031954447742&gclid=Cj0KCQjww47nBRDlARIsAEJ34bnnH2pxL_i4poY9dJChgLwSMLW6kwD7nrgoCYVNuBMvf30hO5h-gwoaAnonEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds

Any solid recommendations would be great.




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