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CWP - Configure Webserver Ports


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I need help to Configure Webserver Ports.


I can telnet and log into the shell and type "CWP" which gives me the invalid port setting dialog. How do I change it to the port I assigned in my router?


Thanks for any help,



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Hi Wayne -


What port #s are you trying to assign? After typing CWP and hitting enter, you should be able to type in the port # you'd like to assign.


If you hit enter again (without typing in a port #), you will get the 'invalid port' error.

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Hi Wayne -


What port #s are you trying to assign? After typing CWP and hitting enter, you should be able to type in the port # you'd like to assign.


If you hit enter again (without typing in a port #), you will get the 'invalid port' error.




I was at work Thurday and trying to talk one of my kids through the steps to set the ports in the ISY. She must have been hitting the retern key twice.


This morning before work I set the ports in the ISY to 433. In my router I set port 433 forward to the ISY's IP.


When I got to work I tried to remote into the Isy by typing http://my.ip/443. I get a page that tells me there is a problem with the websites security certificate (I will avoid this in the future by creating the proper certificates). I continue anyway and get to the page where I am prompted to login (says that this ip, which is my ip with no port id after it, requires a login. I type in my ID and password and then I get 404 webpage cannot be found.


I seem to be one step forward so that's good! Any other suggestions?


Thanks for the help,



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