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Setup of Insteon 74551 Garage Door and Status Kit


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I have acquired and am installing the Insteon device described in the title of this thread. It consists of an Insteon 2450 IOLinc v.4.1 and a magnetic switch, along with the associated wires for the connections. SmartHome's instructions for this kit are miserable, especially if it is one's intention to control the device via an ISY (which is what I want to do). I have searched the UDI Forums for a topic that would explain the setup using the UDI Administrative Console with no luck, so I am asking if any user(s) here can explain to me the settings I need to configure in the Administrative Console. I have successfully added the device to the Administrative Console, which actually shows up as 2 devices in My Lighting: Garage Door Opener-Relay and Garage Door Opener-Sensor. Needless to say, the Current State for each is confusingly expressed in terms of either On or Off. Even more confusing is the fact that when the garage door is closed, the Garage Door Opener-Sensor says it is On.

Any help that would be offered will be greatly appreciated.

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I looked through the link above and don't fully understand how to get the relay to go back to the "off" position automatically.  I tried switching the momentary A option but that didn't seem to have any affect.

I see the option for trigger reverse but not trigger off.  I have not tried the trigger reverse because everything is functioning well. 

I just can't get the relay to go back to the off position automatically.  I thought about writing a program that would:

-If relay is "on", wait 1 second and set it to "off"

Seems like there is another way, can anyone help?  Thanks.

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bdw72, thanks for the tip. However, I'm not so sure that tutorial is up to date. I will explain.

In a paragraph half way into the tutorial, it starts "If you wired the sensor according to the directions provided with the kit, you used the black and green wires from the reed switch."  The current IOLinc only has white wires, and the two wires used to connect to the motor have no markings on them to differentiate. It then goes on to say " If you sensor is normally open then you need to enable the Trigger Off option in the I/O Linc options dialog to make it behave as if it was a normally closed sensor. Be sure the Relay is set to Momentary: A as this allows the relay to return to the off state after it triggers the garage door opener (after the Timeout)." This is followed by pictures of the Options dialog, the first of which (Last below) shows content a little different from the content of the second (Second below) as shown in the Garage_Door_Wiki_02.png file and the Garage_Door_Wiki_02_Updated.png file. However,neither of these really match the Options dialog that is presented for the Garage Door Opener Relay in the current interface, which is shown in the Dialog.png file (the first image below).

So, I'm still somewhat uncertain as how to properly accomplish this.






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The older Garage Door Kit had a magnetic sensor. That had both a Normally Open and a Normally Closed set of contacts. You could pick NC or NO depending on which two of the three colored wire you used. I believe you had to use the Reverse Trigger so the sensor matched the doors ststus. Problem is the nightly status check run by the ISY994i got the sensors real status not the reversed logic set in the options.



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Actually, the new garage door kit has a magnetic sensor as well. It works the same as window and door sensors in a security system. Anyway, I followed the instructions in the tutorial without changing any of the defaults for the scenes, and it appears that everything is working. Mind you, using the ISY, status only shows up as on or off, and you have no way of really knowing whether on is open or on is closed. That's not a problem for me because I have a camera that shows me whether the garage door is open or closed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

On my system I modified the device name to display “Garage Door-Sensor: ON=Closed”  When I log in to the ISY this is a reminder as to how the On/Off status of the sensor relates to the actual status of the garage door.  As to the status of the Garage Door Relay, I wrote a program to turn the Relay OFF after a set period of time (eg, 1 min).  Works as expected.  See below.






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  • 4 weeks later...

I just read through the document listed in post number 2 above. The document is from 2013, and I do have 2 of my 3 garage doors setup this way.


However, I would really like to utilize the Momentary C method, as Insteon/Smarthome says that this enables 'smartness' in the fact that if you press the garage button ON, and the door is already open, it will do nothing. (Likewise with Closed/Off).


In my ideal scenario, I would like to set things up much like the Momentary A configuration, but with the added benefit of ignoring the button press if the door is already open.

Further, I have my KPL button programmed for voice control via Alexa/UDI Gateway... right now, in the current situation, I have to invoke "Alexa, Garage 1/2/3 On", no matter whether the door is opened or closed. Apparently, Alexa doesn't support the Open/Close language for this device or scene, as it's not recognized as a lock. (I wonder if we could inform Alexa that this specific device IS indeed a 'lock')


Anyway, sorry for the ramble, but if anyone has any idea on how to accomplish this (or even if we can accomplish this), it would be most helpful!


Happy Independence Day (U.S.)...



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I've just received my 2450 v.41 IOLINC...I'm wondering if the option programming procedure may have changed and these no longer are configuring correctly.

The only modes of operation that seem correct are "Latching" and "Momentary A".

"Momentary B" and "Momentary C" behave the same as "Momentary A"

The IOLINC will do nothing with an "OFF" command (so "B" not working), and "ON" commands always yield yield a momentary output (regardless of the state of the input...so "C" not working). .ie "B" and "C" options seem to yield "A" behavior.

I've not tried manual setting the modes (as that is why I bought an ISY :) )...but may try if nobody has an idea.

I'm also unclear what the statement "If it is Linked while On it will respond to On. If it is Linked while Off it will respond to Off" means...mine always responds to the "ON". Does it mean the state of input when linking? State of output when linking?

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Ok...took a bit of playing, but figured this out.

You cannot directly control the IOLINC and have the modes b/c work (as described above, they behave like mode a).

You must create a scene (even if just the 2450...and implicitly including the isy994i) and control the scene...doing this, everything works as expected.

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