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Mobilinc & Garage Door Kit


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I looked through a lot of the forum links and still don't fully understand how to get the relay to go back to the "off" position automatically in Mobilinc.  All wires are in original positions from the manufacturer and everything is working perfectly on my gate.  When I switch the relay to "on", my gate opens.  I then have to manually switch the relay to "off" so that I can switch it back to "on" to open it again.  I tried switching the momentary A option but that didn't seem to have any affect.  I don't understand what the momentary options do and could not find much info on them.  I have not tried the trigger reverse option because everything is functioning well. I just can't get the relay to go back to the "off" position automatically.  

I thought about writing a program that would:

-If relay is "on", wait 1 second and set it to "off"

I'm pretty sure there is a better way then my program idea.  This seems like it should be very easy, but I'm just not finding the solution on my own.  Most of the links I find on the forum have to do with KPL's and status.  I just want it to be a 1 click solution from my Mobilinc dashboard.


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If the relay is in momentary mode, it is off. At least, that is my way of thinking. I don't care what the admin panel says. The only thing that matters to me is the sensor, whether the door is open or closed.

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This worked for me.

        'Backyard / Gate-Sensor / Gate-Relay' Status is On
        Wait  3 seconds
        Set 'Backyard / Gate-Sensor / Gate-Relay' Query


Momentary A
Either an ON or OFF command can be programmed to trigger the I/O Linc relay. The other command will be ignored. For example, if an ON command is programmed to trigger the relay, an OFF command will be ignored.

Momentary B
Send either an ON or an OFF command to trigger the I/O Linc relay. The I/O Linc relay will respond to both.

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4 hours ago, InsteonNut said:

Hi @saphotoexpress

Add the IOLinc Sensor to the Dashboard. MobiLinc knows that by tapping the sensor icon you want the relay to activate. 


If MobiLinc thinks the relay is activated (ON), even when it is really OFF, it will not send an ON to (re)activate it.

As the OP mentioned, you must manually send an OFF first (or query the status) to get if back to OFF, before MobiLinc will send ON again.

I believe the AC will actually send an ON, even if it thinks the status is already ON.

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out of curiosity, I checked my mobilinc app (android, pixel 3).  I am able to send a series of ON commands without querying the relay, or without turning it off first.  In my case, I don't see a stated status for the relay, so I am unsure what mobilinc thinks of the status.  I guess I don't understand having first to send an OFF command before sending the ON command.  

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@oberkc, @gzahar, @saphotoexpress

To clarify how IOLincs work in MobiLinc here's the guide for the different versions:

MobiLinc Pro/HD/OML for iOS:
- Adding the sensor to the Dashboard gives you the status of the sensor (open/closed). Tapping the sensor icon will always issue an ON command to the relay. The assumption is that in the majority of all IO Linc cases, these control a garage door.
- Another option is you can edit the Relay commands in MobiLinc to only issue ON or OFF commands every time you tap the relay. You do this by removing all other command options and leave only ON or OFF.

MobiLinc Pro for Android:
- You can edit the Relay commands in MobiLinc to only issue ON or OFF commands every time you tap the relay. You do this by removing all other command options and leave only ON or OFF.

MobiLinc X for iOS and Android:
- There is a dedicated garage door "card" and view that shows your garage door "Open" or "Closed" and a large button to command the relay ON to trigger the door.


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I didn't realize that you can control the relay from the sensor icon on the Dashboard.  That is useful.

I also didn't know that the deleting Custom Command Names worked that way.

Ultimately that was the solution.  By deleting all the names except for ON; ON is issued every time regardless of the Relay status.

Thank you very much for that info!

With all of the command names intact, if it thinks the relay is ON, it sends OFF; and vice-versa.  (On MobiLinc HD for iOS)

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6 hours ago, InsteonNut said:

@oberkc, @gzahar, @saphotoexpress

To clarify how IOLincs work in MobiLinc here's the guide for the different versions:

MobiLinc Pro/HD/OML for iOS:
- Adding the sensor to the Dashboard gives you the status of the sensor (open/closed). Tapping the sensor icon will always issue an ON command to the relay. The assumption is that in the majority of all IO Linc cases, these control a garage door.
- Another option is you can edit the Relay commands in MobiLinc to only issue ON or OFF commands every time you tap the relay. You do this by removing all other command options and leave only ON or OFF.

MobiLinc Pro for Android:
- You can edit the Relay commands in MobiLinc to only issue ON or OFF commands every time you tap the relay. You do this by removing all other command options and leave only ON or OFF.

MobiLinc X for iOS and Android:
- There is a dedicated garage door "card" and view that shows your garage door "Open" or "Closed" and a large button to command the relay ON to trigger the door.


I just tried this and it worked for me as well.  I had seen this in the instructions for the KPL config but there was so much other info and it didn't make sense so i didn't try it.  Thanks for the help!

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