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Text Message Issue


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I’m happy that I am receiving messages, but am having a small problem with the text messages that I am receiving. I’m curious if I possibly have something not quite setup correctly.

When I do receive messages, they come in with different 4 digit codes which seems to correspond to the person sending the message (sender and then message). I have the top plug in an outlet setup through my ISY to turn on and off when certain temperatures are met and send me a text message when doing so.

The following are examples of what I am seeing:

alerts @universal-devices.com / Outlet On / Master bedroom outlet one, top outlet is on

alerts @universal-devices.com / Outlet On / Master bedroom outlet one, top outlet is off

alerts @universal-devices.com / Outlet On / Master bedroom outlet one, top outlet is on

alerts @universal-devices.com / Outlet On / Master bedroom outlet one, top outlet is off

Any thoughts?

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  • 2 weeks later...

The differing codes are inserted by your cell company - so that if you reply to the text it goes back to the reply email address. No way to control that.

If you want to control sending texts fully (including the apparent from number) you will need to use API driven services like Twilio - and they all have costs associated with them.

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