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For Sale to a loving home - 4x Insteon 2441TH Rev 1.6 Thermostats


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I recently replaced these 4 thermostats in my home with Nest Thermostats... Rather than tossing them out, I'm looking to find a new home for them at the low cost of $15 each (plus shipping), or $50 for all 4 at once (plus shipping).

They are in perfect working order... they just need a new home.

Please let me know if there is any interest.


Have a safe and happy Independence Day (7/4 US) or Canada Day (7/1)!

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  • 5 weeks later...

No, my stats do NOT have this button on the left side like in your picture.

Just the up/down and mode buttons on the right.

When you flip the cover open, there’s also a green leaf ECO button...

I’m not familiar with the model you’ve pictured.

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To ask a question... this picture must be a newer version of my stats...

What function does this button have in the newer model?

I tried looking online at the owners manuals, and none of them have been updated to show what this button does!

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Ah, OK... got it.

So other than the exposed Set button, the functionality is largely the same as my stats...(correct?)

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11 minutes ago, Tonyhuk said:

Ah, OK... got it.
So other than the exposed Set button, the functionality is largely the same as my stats...(correct?)

As far as I know. My stats with the button are v1.8, but I didn't know which version they showed up. I had ones without and got tired of opening the cover to see the display. It can't be that much power to run the display on the TH units, so I wonder why they just don't leave it on. 

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I actually programmed my stats to leave the display on all the time!

The only time that may be an issue is if they are ‘too’ visible for the room they’re in, such as a bedroom (if the blue glow keeps you up at night).

I never played with turning the backlight off programmatically, but that may be possible as well...

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sure... that makes sense... let me figure out how much shipping will be, then I’ll let you know the total cost.

Hopefully, the shipping won’t be too much!

I’ll get back to you probably Tuesday (long weekend this weekend, can’t get much done!)

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