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iLinc 2.0 iPhone/Touch App with ISY Support Now Available!


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Announcing iLinc 2.0, the first native iPhone/Touch application for the ISY 26/99, is now available in the Apple App store!


Here are some of the features iLinc 2.0 and ISY bring to the iPhone/Touch:

- Real Time Insteon Device Status over WiFi and 3G/EDGE

- Automatic Find and Sync with ISY on Local WiFi

- Sync with ISY using your iPhone over 3G or EDGE

- Secure Connect to ISY over HTTPS

- Command your Devices Anywhere with WiFi, 3G, or EDGE connection

- Supports up to 1000 Insteon Devices and 1000 Scenes

- Supports X10 Devices

- Keep your Favorite Scenes on the Home Page


Direct Link to iLinc from iTunes:

http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZSt ... 78110&mt=8


Mobile Integrated Solutions


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Guest jbredz28

I highly recommend this app to all ISY/iPhone owners. I have used the default ISY webpage, the Touchswitch Webapp (earlier versions), and the ISYAjax network module webpage and find the standalone iLinc Pro app to be my favorite.

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I also use the iLinc app and find it quite solid. For access to devices and scenes, I think its ability to receive subscription events gives it a nod over other iPhone methods available. It does not currently handle access to programs, though. Adding this to iLinc in a future release would be very welcome! In the meantime, using basic ISY or ISYajax access supplements iLinc nicely for program access.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Quick question. If I added manually an X.10 device using the Plus Sign in My Devices, how do you remove it?

In the device list, flick your finger across the entry you want to delete. A "Delete" box will appear; press to complete the deletion.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I just got the app, and it seems to work well so far, but a couple of requests:


1. Have a way to add a single device to the favorites, not just scenes.

2. Have a way to hide the "My Settings" menu from the normal interface (you can still get to the settings from the iPhone settings)

3. Have a way to disable device failure notifications. I have 1 switch that doesn't work 100% properly with the ISY, but still works well enough, so I haven't gone through the troubleshooting for the communication issues; I would like to be able to turn off notifications about this.

4. A way to specify if a scene is only on/off (no dim/brighten controls).

5. A way to set icons for scenes.


Thanks for the great app so far. I look forward to any improvements you can make. :)

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Hi ryantollefson,


Thank you for the feedback and purchase!


1. You are now the second person in two days to request this feature. I like it and have added it to the feature request list.

2. This is a bit tricky. You are correct, iLinc does have most of the settings listed in both places except for the Host Type. Only in iLinc can you get the actual ISY detected in the Host Type field. Maybe I can figure out a different way to temporarly hide "My Settings"

3. Good idea. I can add this to the "My Settings" page.

4. I'm curious as to the on/off only request. Is it a clutter issue with buttons that really don't apply to the scene and the devices in the scene? I could add an "Advanced" slider that would unlock all other options beyond the standard on/off selection. Would this apply in both the "My Scenes" area and the favorites area?

5. I've considered this feature request as well. I've got several technical features I'd like to add in first to make iLinc even more useful and functional before I tackle adding in support for icons and icon packs.




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Thanks for the quick response. :D


2. For hiding the settings menu, if you can figure it out that would be great - I am trying to get this set up for a non-technical family to be able to use, and the less confusing the better.


4. Exactly, it's a clutter issue, and confusing for someone who doesn't understand the way the scenes actually work. There are a couple of custom scenes that I have set up for turning a fountain on/off (along with the keypad buttons that control it), so dim levels don't really make sense for that - same thing for a fireplace, and a gate opener - basically when the scene is being used with relay devices. Another thought on this, if there were a way to rename the buttons in an advanced menu that would be great too - just thinking about the gate situation, if I could rename it to open/close instead of on/off, that would be great.


5. I understand, and this is a low priority for me too, but if you're able to at some point, it would be nice.


Thanks again for the great work thus far, and the quick response. Looking forward to the next update.


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Hi Ryan,


2. I agree, when I started this project I wanted it to be accessible for everyone. I'll see what makes sense.


4. Ok. Thank you for the examples, it helped me visualize how to best implement this. This is a good feature suggestion.


5. It's on the feature list, albeit somewhat low at this point.


I'm hard at work on the next release. Maybe in the next couple of weeks I'll be able to get the update to Apple.




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  • 2 weeks later...

This was the last piece of the puzzle that move the ISY from hobby to commercial product. With the great support of the product, the user forum, constant improvements and now the solid iPhone application this is a "product" I could propose to a client as a full automation system.

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Ok. So I'm hooked. Some direct tquestions.....


When's the next drop? I want to run a query for all lights on my ISY. I want to run this program and other programs. Any timeframe on this functionality?


Also, can this app be set via settings in a future release to sync upon starting the app automatically or sync in the background without the popus success dialog? Sometimes I am seeing weird behavior and resyncing fixes it.


Another thing I would love to see is a status page of what everything is. What's on what's off what's dim, etc. All on one screen. Little dots. Whatever. I have 110 devices. Let's get creative. I don't want to scroll so much but I want a quick status page for everything.


So those are my thoughts. Great product.

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Hi AdamHLG,


The next drop is coming! I don't have an ETA yet but I can tell you I'm hard at work refining the features I want to release in the next release. One of the main features in the next drop will be Program support. Hang tight, it's on the way...


Setting up a settings option to sync on startup certaintly is doable. I'm more interested in the behavior that is fixed by resyncing. Could you describe what you are seeing? The intention with iLinc was to only sync when you change your scenes or devices on the ISY.


One of the other features I'd like to get in the next update is different ways to sort your devices. sort by On/Off, sort by Folder hierarchy, alphabetical. Just off the cuff I can't think of a way to display 110 devices on one screen and have it readable. How about something like a rollup page that displays "Devices Off - 80" "Devices On - 20" "Devices Dim - 10". By tapping one of these catagories it would tunnel you into the devices that made up the top level count. Would that be a useful way to see from a top level what's on/off/dim?


Thanks for your feedback,


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Thanks for the reply. Yeah the groupings of devices to show what's on and what's off would work fine. As to the wierd behavior I need to dig further to see whether it's an ISY issue or iLink issue. I need to pull up the web interface for the ISY next time I see an issue in iLinc and keep a log. So I'll be back to you on that one. It has to do with statuses being incorrect and seemingy correct on re-syncing. But I am not positive it's not an ISY comms issue yet. Or maybe even a router issue (I am setup for WAN syncing when not connected by home wifi). Sometimes it's a 'ISY returned unknown error' when I execute a command even though the command works. Resyncing makes it go away.


I will start a more careful analysis of this and report back.




Sent from my iPhone

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Hi Adam,


I've seem something similar on my end where my ISY couldn't talk to one of my devices and it was showing ON when it was actually OFF. If the device is querable you can tap the Query button on the specific device page to force ISY to send a query request to sync ISY and iLinc with the true status of the device.


Does that describe the problem you are seeing?



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Well, that is one of the problems and yeah resyncing that one device by query fixes that when it happens. But there are other issues and as I said I am not sure whether its ISY / iLinc or Router related.


1. Sometimes i get "ISY returned unknown error' when sending a command to turn on or off a device for example. However, the command works when this happens. Resyncing using the settings master sync button fixes that.


2. There were a few times that adjusting a device locally would not automatically track in iLinc. Resyncing using the settings master sync fixes that also.


3. Then there are the occasional times the device does not show correct status. Fairly sure that one is an ISY issue.


Dont sweat it yet that there is an issue with iLinc (nor should anyone reading this post). I need to keep a log to see whats up. I will post within the week. I just got back from travel so I can experiment this week.



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Hi Adam,


Thanks for the info. I know you are still debugging the issue, but one thing I will suggest is that you reboot your ISY. The unknown error tells me that iLinc sent a request for a device and ISY returned something that iLinc didn't understand. Perhaps an ISY reboot might fix what's going on.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi joefly,


Thank you!


Just as a clarification, the Apple App store does not have my updated screenshots showing the Thermostat Controls. I believe what you saw was the Smarthome email that went out yesterday showing the thermostat control interface. I apologize for any confusion as this feature has not been release yet to the App store for approval yet. I am very close to releasing an update that supports thermostat controls as well as an number of other features provided by the ISY. (IE program support).


Thank you for the question and the chance to clarify the themostat support. It is coming soon!



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