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Ping node server


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Wasn’t sure where to post this. I’ve been having trouble with the Polyglot Ping node server that I posted about. As the responses here are usually prompt and I haven’t heard anything, and this NS doesn’t have a topic on the forum and I don’t know the developer to contact, I’m trying to take a quick survey and wondering:


1. What node servers or other methods are people using to ping (I’m trying to check my internet connection)?


2. How are you using this node server / how does it help you?


3. How is it working for you?


Wondering if I should use the Nodelink ping NS instead? I have Polyglot running on RPi and had Nodelink but it stopped working. Probably user error here. I was trying to run both Polyglot and Nodelink on the same RPi and had both working for a bit but Nodelink stopped working for me.


Thanks in advance!




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Are you running this on a rPi or Polisy?  I've heard there was an issue on Polisy because it runs FreeBSD and not Linux and that will cause issues.  I took a quick look at the Nodeserver and it's making an os call to ping and not using the Python ping module.  This would account for the break on FreeBSD as ping syntax is slightly different and the path might be different as well.

For your questions. 

1. I don't run a nodeserver to check internet connection my router does that and notifies me on connection issues.

2. I don't use this nodeserver.  So I can't answer number 3 either.

What are you looking for out of a ping nodeserver?  It may actually be better implemented by a monitoring system that would then set a ISY variable rather than running a nodeserver?


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Are you running this on a rPi or Polisy?  I've heard there was an issue on Polisy because it runs FreeBSD and not Linux and that will cause issues.  I took a quick look at the Nodeserver and it's making an os call to ping and not using the Python ping module.  This would account for the break on FreeBSD as ping syntax is slightly different and the path might be different as well.

For your questions. 

1. I don't run a nodeserver to check internet connection my router does that and notifies me on connection issues.

2. I don't use this nodeserver.  So I can't answer number 3 either.

What are you looking for out of a ping nodeserver?  It may actually be better implemented by a monitoring system that would then set a ISY variable rather than running a nodeserver?



Thanks for the reply.


Rpi 4. Heard about the BSD issue on Polisy but didn’t think it applied.


I’m trying to monitor my internet connection. I have Mediacom which is okay when it works but it’s definitely not 5 9’s uptime.


What monitoring systems are you referring to?


I have a neatgear nighthawk router. It works well. I don’t have problems that I can see. But once when out of town an ISP change resulted in my router not communicating to the internet. At the time I could only fix it with a router power cycle which required me to be on premises (I now power cycle every night through my HA which is excessive but works). While away I called the ISP and they reset the modem remotely but still nothing. When I returned I first power cycled the router only and internet worked.


So sometimes I need to reboot my router. If anything though it’s usually the modem.


Anyway now I power cycle both regularly but I would like a scalpel approach rather than a hack saw... and also reboot automatically if needed during the day not just once per night.


Here’s a link to my original post with more details


Polyglot Ping Node Server Problem




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