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Echo (Portal) CSV Download - ADD ROOM Please!


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Greetings,  I have about 50 devices in my Amazon portal and I sometimes add several "Alternate Spoken" phrases just to make sure that i cover my bases when I'm trying to remember the subtle differences in names between operating 3 different fans (or similar items).  Often when I ask Alexa to turn a light or fan on or off, she says "several devices share that name, which one do you want?".  So I've been trying to not overlap the spoken phrases, and to do this I use the Portal > Amazon Echo > Download as CSV function to look a common and possibly overlapping spoken names.  The problem is, it doesn't include the room name (which is an input option when setting up devices).  The CSV contains all the fields (Device Name, Address, Category, and Spokens) EXCEPT the room name.  

So this is a long way of asking could you please add the room name field to the CSV download?  It would make sorting a large number of devices a little easier and more user friendly.  I'm no programmer but I imagine adding that field to the download script would be really easy for whomever has the access to change that.

Thank you!
Scott from Austin

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