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Venstar Insteon thermostat, need help with automatic setting


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Hi gang,


I have a Venstar Insteon thermostat controlled by my ISY. It worked fine in the winter when I had the mode set to HEAT. Now I have the mode set to AUTO, where you need to specify temperatures that will start either the heat cycle or the AC cycle. Can people who have this unit give me some examples of their settings? My doesn't seem to want to keep the house cool enough. I've got the cool setting at 72, heat at 68, yet my house is currently 78.


Any ideas?



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Well, I use the Venstar Thermostat in Auto mode without any issues. I guess the only way I can see your problem happening outside of a defective unit is if you have the Heat/Cool Differential option set to something like 6 degrees. The Auto Changeover feature uses the differential option to help detetmine when to switch modes.


It is also possible that your Themostat sensor needs to be calibrated but since you said your heat was working correclty I doubt that to be the case. You still might want to manually take the temperature at the location where the themostat is mounted to ensure a leak behind the wall or some other source is not causing airflow that is making your reading incorrect.


I currently have my cool at 73 degrees and my heat at 68 degrees and my heat/Cool Differential at 4 degrees.

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