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JSON Editor / Checker


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6 hours ago, Teken said:

Just spent the last four hours trying every known combination, to no avail. emoji3525.png I feel the live force slowly being sucked out of me! emoji17.png
I enjoy a good challenge like most people but having worked on this for seven straight days truly sucks, monkey balls. emoji1785.png

I need to walk away and do something different and clear my head. emoji856.png

Your code purposely and repetitively breaks all  of the rules of json, as defined by other's posts. It is obviously not json format. Load it into the notepad++ editor and have it visibly show the bracket pair matching to correct any flaws.

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1 hour ago, larryllix said:

Your code purposely and repetitively breaks all  of the rules of json, as defined by other's posts. It is obviously not json format. Load it into the notepad++ editor and have it visibly show the bracket pair matching to correct any flaws.

Hi Larry,

I'm not sure what you mean by my code?!? This isn't my code, all of these examples I have provided in the first hyperlink. Anyone who takes even a split second to view the GitHub repository for MMM applications will see inconsistent methods to express the same *Code*. As noted up top even the original authors so called code doesn't work in my test rig. Whether the question is does his code even work?!?

I have no clue and haven't seen anyone here at least prove that it does so that is a unknown.

Hence why I created this thread to ask once again some of the smartest people I know collectively using, hiding, and actively participating in this forum. No two people have affirmed the same thing when scanning this so called *Code*. Now, those who are reading this thread may wonder how the hell does this guy even know if anything he's doing even works if he doesn't follow what *Smarter* people are telling him to do???

Good question and on point!

Well, this old dog has no less than seven different lines of code which either look exactly like what has been presented and offered here. Or they absolutely *Break* these so called best practices or expected formatting.

Again, one would ask how do you even know what you're looking at even works just by eye?!?!?

Well, because I can see something on the blasted screen! It doesn't matter what it is it can be the time, weather, calendar, emails, reminders - I see them all! This is how I literally know if its working because when its not working the entire screen turns black and displays *You just broke your toy* now go fix what ever you did in the config.js file! I have literally sent the same formatted coded files to two other *Real* programmers and nobody see's a problem or has stated X needs to be done vs Y! Which BTW I have done including copy and paste everything I see here to no avail.

So, this has nothing to do with whether I'm following any kind of best practices, standards, or norms! This really comes down to how this whole industry has no solid foundation of standards which everyone follows.

Again, a fair question to ask is *The dumb guy is telling the smart guys this doesn't work??* Yes, because I can show anyone different modules which don't use " " vs ' ' I can show you so called code which never uses }, to close out or call out the end of the line?!? Yet this works and displays what ever the module was intended for??? What I'm going to do is build a new image and only load this specific code to see what happens in case there were dependencies not correctly loaded. But given the initial tests all indicate the MQTT service and broker all reply back with the correct response I don't know that means a hell of beans.

A perfect example is just because you can ping something doesn't mean that end device is 100% operational and has not relations to the physical layer. Whereas just because you ping something and it never replies isn't a indicator something is off line, broken, not there - Because black hole detect has been enabled to never reply back to any pings! I've seen the same thing in probably a dozen smart devices or applications where one would expect to see a 200 ack.

Machine does and everyone says hooray all is good, when in fact that reply is complete bull sh^t and doesn't mean a damn thing! So once again, I have no clue if any of these qualifies even mean a hell of beans but if I start to doubt every confirmation I'll be running in circles like I am here just to get this stupid thing to display a simple number!


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On 2/28/2020 at 12:18 AM, Teken said:

Just spent the last four hours trying every known combination, to no avail. emoji3525.png I feel the live force slowly being sucked out of me! emoji17.png
I enjoy a good challenge like most people but having worked on this for seven straight days truly sucks, monkey balls. emoji1785.png

I need to walk away and do something different and clear my head. emoji856.png

The files I've posted for you is 100% compliant json. If it doesn't work as is, the only possibility is that the program has custom parser which expects some other format.

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13 hours ago, firstone said:

The files I've posted for you is 100% compliant json. If it doesn't work as is, the only possibility is that the program has custom parser which expects some other format.

I've toiled with this JSON file for more than a few weeks and haven't made any progress. There is either something so obvious that I'm missing or this code never worked from the start. I have a couple of friends which are going to try this out and if they can't get it to work the whole thing is bull sh^t.

Wasted too much time on this already and makes little sense to continue.

If my friends are able to get this code to work I'll circle back as to root cause and the solution. Appreciate those who have taken their time to chime in and help out because there is little hair left on my head now!

Not even sure why I bother trying to go forward with other part which is the floor plan. 

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