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Couple of questions regarding AerisWeather Poly


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Hi Bob,

I have noticed that precipitation accumulation on the current weather page in ISY sometimes lists the daily rainfall amount and sometimes it doesn't. Currently it is showing 0 but 5 minutes ago it was showing .04. I looked thru the logs and GV6 is sometimes showing 0 other times the correct value.  This must be an error with  Aeris weather service I am assuming. But I wanted to report in case it wasn't.

Update: So I have found that GitHub instructions list this for GV6 "sys.node.[address].GV6 (current precipitation accumulation)"  when it appears that GV6 is really Precipitation Rate instead of accumulation.

The other thing I have noticed is that Forecast 0 changes days around 5pm pst every day. The time is not exact one day it was around 4:45, but usually right around 5pm. Is this as it should be?




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Even the Aeris documentation doesn't really specify what the precipitation value is. They say it depends on what the station that's sending it sends.  Most likely, it the accumulation over an hour but they don't specify when the hour starts and ends.  So I just report the value they send. 

Forecast queries don't allow for queries that start in the past, just from the current time forward so whenever they switch the forecast to the next day is when I do.  It's possible they are doing it at midnight UTC time (Is that close to 5pm our time?  Yup, it is so that probably explains it).

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