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Weatherbit Weather

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7 minutes ago, Jason Miller said:

I also just went back and configured Weatherbit again as well. I have nothing in my logs about this. 

Hi Jason,

I know that this can be frustrating.  It's not easy to debug issues with Polyglot cloud even for node server developers.

By default, the log is only showing errors so when it's working correctly, you shouldn't see much in the log.  Unfortunately, the logging control is not part of Polyglot, but something the node server manages, which means the node server has  to be up and running properly before you can enable debug logging.  Not very helpful if you're having issues getting things working initially. 

All of the weather service node server rely on having correct configuration information to work.  A lot of the configuration is passed directly to the weather service so if it's not right, the weather service simply fails to send any weather data.  Where I can, I log these types of issues in the log.  Like I mentioned before, the local version of polyglot includes configuration help and examples, but the cloud version of polyglot ignores the help file making configuration significantly more difficult. 

Here's the link to the weatherbit configuration help file: https://github.com/bpaauwe/udi-weatherbit-poly/blob/master/POLYGLOT_CONFIG.md

In order to provide any real help, I'll need to know the exact configuration you're using (excepting the API key, I don't want to know your key).  

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This is my configuration for WeatherBit

Key - from web site

Plant type - "0.23"

Elevation - I have "100" for meters

Forecast days - "7"

Units "M" (I live in Canada!)

Location lat=xx.xxx&lon='yy.yyy"

is that yours?  Mine works fine.

Did nothing on the ISY page, it populated itself after a few minutes.  Will try Climacell now.  Did you see the email from Universal Devices from today?


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I guess I would try the location format I used above.  Just to help you out, I also tried ClimaCell and it worked fine.  Only change is that I used "si" for Units and filled in longitude and latitude.  Prefer their format. The only issues I have are as follows:

DarkSky - no problems

WeatherBit, get full data in ISY but in Polyglor log I get recurring error messages that says the following and yet I am getting full data in ISY:

2020-05-08 22:47:27,813 [Controller] [WARNING] Missing data for driver CLIHUM

2020-05-08 22:47:27,813 [Controller] [WARNING] Missing data for driver DEWPT

2020-05-08 22:47:27,814 [Controller] [WARNING] Missing data for driver GV2

ClimaCell - full data in ISY except does not say "True" that it is Online

Strange how different all the data is for the 3 programs.


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