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Trouble getting EZIO2x4 to read inputs reliably


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I seem to be having a floating state (ON & OFF) problem on the Inputs of my EZIO2x4. 

Pull up resistor on Isolated inputs:  Many articles suggest adding a 10k ohm pull up resistor, by connecting the +5V terminal on EZIO2x4 to the I1+ (Isolated Input) terminal and then connect the I1-  (Isolated Input) to my external "dry" contact and then return to the ground terminal on the EZIO2x4.  This works for a while but eventually the state changes.

Pull up resistor on Digital inputs:  Can add 10k ohm pull up resistor between +5V terminal and D1+&D2+ but then how do I complete the circuit.

Grounding unused inputs:  I'm only using one input so the others should be grounded.  The EZIO2x4 inputs lit up like a Christmas tree.


Thanks for the help.  I have failed miserably.

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No 10K resistor needed for the Isolated inputs. They have a internal resistor to limit the current into the Opto isolator. 3-30 volts DC is the input range.

Connect I1+,I2+ to the +5 volt terminal. Dry connects  from I1-,I2- and the GND terminal. If you are only using one of the two isolated inputs. The second one should not have to have its inputs tied to ground.

Tie the analog inputs if not used to GND terminal. No resistor needed.

You asked about the Analog input connections. The analog inputs are between the Analog terminal and the Ground terminal.

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Thanks very much. 

The only problem I have so far is that I4 is tied to ground but still shows "on".  I may have reversed the on/off display in SHN utility at one time.  Well the SHN utility only goes to Input 3, so I'm out of luck changing Input 4.







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What revision SHN Utility?

My 2.03b and an old EZIO2X4. Shows two Analog and two Isolated inputs. AN1, AN2, Input 1 and Input 2. A configuration area where you have to enable the Analog Inputs. That are defaulted to Off and can't be read.

If you are not using the second input. You don't have anything on I2+ or I2-?

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Well I gained a lot of knowledge today but it's still not right.  I double checked all my wire connections on the EZIO2x4.  Perhaps if I move the EZIO2x4 away from the other devices I can reduce some interference.

Thanks again.

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I'm using the GND terminal on the EZIO2x4.  Right now i have all the ground wires twisted together with a Marr connector with a single wire going to the GND terminal.

Well I tried relocating the EZIO2x4 3 or 4 feet away, but still didn't work any better.  I'm still getting flaky signals.

Maybe I've fried the thing with all the experimentation  ?

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Is the module stable if you have no wires on it? Like unplug the wiring plug from the module so no wires are connected.

I did see reports of a floating Analog Input causing issues and why connecting to the GND was recommended if not being used.

If it is one of the Analog inputs. It is 0-5VDC. Can't say for sure if a higher voltage spike may have effected it.

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Where did you get your version 0f Simple Home Utility Suite v 2.03b .  I seem to have trouble with my version in that it acts much like yours the first time I use it  2 x Input & 2  x  Alm (I can access all four inputs) but then changes to 3 x Inputs the next time I run it.

When I went to take a look at the eziomodule it was flashing like a Christmas tree.  There was no state showing for I1, I2, I3 & I4 on the isy994.

Another dumb question I have is how do the use (I3 or I4) as digital inputs besides adding a 10k ohm pull up resistor between terminals +5vdc and (I3 or  I4.) ?

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2.03 was on the SimpleHome Net Forums. That is now defunct.

SourceForge where I may have gotten 2.03 also now has 2.0. https://sourceforge.net/projects/shnutilitysuite/

The version on the sales site is 2.0 and I don't think there is much change between the versions.

Are I3 or I4 being driven by a Digital signal driver?

Is your EZIO2x4 built on the older power line only 2412 base board or the 2413 Dual Band base board? If it is a 2413 base board. It will be subject to the same power supply capacitor issues we have seen in the 2413S PLMs.

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Well I have a 2413S PLM.  The EZIO2x4 has got the pass-through 110v receptacle on the front face and I think it is old.

I'm trying to understand how to get I3, I4 working.  I was thinking of using a dry contact but I3 & I4 has only one wire so where is the circui

I took out my volt meter on I1 and found the 5 volts was present when the dry contact closed.  The only problem is that the state of the input monitor on ISY 994 is not showing change of.state correctly.


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On my 2x4s, I just tie +5v terminal to the I3+ terminal.

The I3- terminal goes to one side of a door Reed switch.

The other side of the door Reed switch goes back to the GND terminal on the 2x4.

Here is the quick start guide:



Edited:  Sorry for the confusion. I'm reading the OP asking about I3/I4 and I'm incorrectly writing about I1 and I2. Must be getting very old Hmmm

For I3 and I4 I just use a  470-ohm pull-up on each to +5 and then my reed switch connect between I3 (or I4) and back to GND

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9 hours ago, satwar said:

Well I have a 2413S PLM.  The EZIO2x4 has got the pass-through 110v receptacle on the front face and I think it is old.

I'm trying to understand how to get I3, I4 working.  I was thinking of using a dry contact but I3 & I4 has only one wire so where is the circui

I took out my volt meter on I1 and found the 5 volts was present when the dry contact closed.  The only problem is that the state of the input monitor on ISY 994 is not showing change of.state correctly.


The pass through outlet on the EZIO2x4 is an older 2412 base board. The 2413 base boards had issues and Smartenit went back to the old 2412 boards made for them.

PLM using the utility does not matter. Unless the PLM has bad caps.

This is for the I1 input and dry contacts.  https://smartenit.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/EZIO2X4-Dry-Contact-Connection.jpg.  I 2 would be the same as it is also an isolated input. I1+ should always read 5 volts. I1- should change from close to 5 volts contacts open and nearly 0 volts when the contacts are closed.

I think the v2.03b had its screen name changed to Smartenit. I have a copy of 2.02e and its screen still said Simplehomenet.

Digital inputs. You connect the digital input (I3 or I4) to the digital source signal and the GND terminal for the digital sources  common.

Remember a digital signal is from 0 volts to 5 volts.  0-1 volts is Off and 3-5 volts is On is the way I see digital levels. Smartenit says 0-1 volts is On and 3-5 volts is Off. In their users sheet for the module.

The utility does allow you to set the input to an Analog.

If you really want to use a digital input and dry contact. Connect the digital input to 5 volts through a pull up resistor and the dry contacts to the digital  input and GND. The  input will  be inverted. Open will be On and closed will be off. Not recommended due to noise  and possible 5 volt supply protection issues. You could pull the input to GND with a resistor and then use the contacts to switch the 5 volts into the input. That way open contacts would be Off and closed On.

The Smartenit information does not follow what I call a digital signal. So the On and Off status maybe reversed. Depending on how they implemented the signals status.

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Shorting I4 may help. Both I3/AN1 and I4/AN2 are a high impedance input and subject to noise. Testing mine found that all I had to do was touch the case and if they where not terminated. Resulted in a flood of random message (LED on side flashing) being constantly sent.

If the wiring to the dry contacts you are using with I3 are long or near a noise source.  I suppose it may  pickup noise but the resistor should calm it down.

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Was much heavier and  it may have a pass through outlet on the front cover?

Sounds like the original EZIO2x4  was built on the Dual Band 2413 base board and the new one is on the older power line only 2412 base board.  The 2412 base board used a real power transformer and was heavier. Not a switching supply like the 2413 base board.

Like many here. They had issues with the power supplies on the 2413 base board and bought 2412 base boards from Smarthome. The original Smartenit (Simplehomenet) modules started out on 2412 base board then for awhile they used  2413 base boards.


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