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Status question?


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I just downloaded the ilinc lite version and I don't get a status on what my devise is at. It works as it should if I tap on or off or dim. Even if I query all, it still has no effect. The only way I know for sure is if I am at home. Is this a feature that is available only in the pro version or is there something wrong with my set-up? I will most likely upgrade to pro but would like to know for sure if it is a problem with my set-up.

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Hi Greenbowtie,


Let me walk through the setup and have you confirm for me that you see or don't see the expected results:


The easiest way to get started is to make sure your iPhone/touch is on your home WiFi network with your ISY. After launching iLinc Lite for the first time iLinc Lite should find your ISY and ask for your username and password to sync with ISY.


After syncing, if you tap "My Devices" you should see one deviced listed with a status of ON, OFF, or a % Dim.


If you tap the device you can control the device (if it is a type of device that is controllable).


In your description you report that you aren't seeing the status...what do you see when you tap the "My Devices" page?



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In the "my devices" I get just a little dash line no status if the light is on or off. I am connected through https port 443 established on my router to my ISY IP address. IP address setting is set to the external address I found through IPchicken.com to my computer. Also when I'm in the administrative console under my lighting and I try to enable internet access, it will not let me. I can get into my lighting from outside using 3G on my phone.

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Also when I'm in the administrative console under my lighting and I try to enable internet access, it will not let me. I can get into my lighting from outside using 3G on my phone.

This option in the ISY console tries to use PnP to configure port forwarding in the router. If the router does not support it (or you configure it manually, as it appears you have done successfully), then this option is not needed.

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Hi Greenbowtie,


Something is getting in the way of the ISY device subsciption notification to iLinc (That's what is causing the dash to appear...or the dash appears if you have disabled that device in ISY firmware 2.7.6).


What router are you using? I've recevied reports of some routers not allowing internal IP loopback. IE some routers won't allow an internal IP address to ask for information about another internal IP through the external IP interface on the router.


Just so that we are minimizing all other potential problems I'd like you to go into iLinc My Settings page and change the IP address to the ISY internal IP address on your network. Then make sure your device is connected over WiFi on your home network and tap Sync. Go back to the home screen and wait for approx 10 seconds and then tap My Devices. Does the dash still persist?


Also, since this is the lite version, what type (Switch, dimmer, etc) of device is listed under My Devices?



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