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I was gone for about 3 months.  Upon return, I find our connection to the ISY994i is down.  The router it is running through appears to not be working.  I have another router available to connect the system to but am not sure if there is something I need to do to make that transfer. Kind of a newbie at all of this.  The system was installed by previous owner though with help here have managed to upgrade some.  But I really don't mess with the system much until it has issues. 

I'd sure appreciate any help in getting the system up and running again.  Thanks!


Do you know what version of software is running on the ISY?  It seems that every version has its own finder app.  If you could match that up, that might be all you need.

Do you know how to get into router settings?  If so, I expect you could identify the IP address of the ISY-994.

Does the ISY seem to be running?  Even without a network connection, I expect that programs would still be operational.

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I do not remember what version of the software was running. 

I still have the icon on my computer that I have always used to connect.  When I right click it says it came from here if that is helpful: http://isy.universal-devices.com/994i/4.6.2/admin16.jnlp 

But the router the system connects to is not working. I do know how to get into the router, but I don't think I can if I can't connect to it. 

Can I just unplug and connect the system to a router that is working?  Programs are definitely not running as I have an evening light program and lights don't come on.  


Good that you have the desktop icon.  This suggestes that you are running v4.6.2.  

yes, I would plug it into another router (preferrably, one that is working), along with your computer, and try that desktop icon again.


Thanks! I did and was able to access. But now I have the “Your system is in safe mode” error so isn’t communicating with PLM. How do I check that and do I need to backup system first or can I even do that with PLM not communicating? 
I appreciate you walking me through this. 


So...these are thing I don't often deal with, if ever.  This is also by memory.  Having given these disclaimers....

Check the cable between ISY and PLM and that the PLM is plugged into an outlet. Assuming this checks out, I recall a setting somewhere that addresses PLM status.  Hopefully you can find this and that there is something there to try reconnecting.  Given the history of th PLM, it is not hard to believe that failure is a possible cause.  Does the PLM show any viible ign of life, such as LED indications?

I don't believe the PLM is required for a backup.

Posted (edited)

Plug in the PLM and let it fully boot up first. Then power up the ISY994i so the PLM can be found at its boot up.

Safe Mode indicates the PLM was not found when the ISY994i powered up.

If the ISY994i powered up. In the Tools Tab, Diagnostics, Show PLM Info/Status. It should show the PLMs six digit Insteon address firmware in the PLM and Connected.

As pointed out. The 2413S PLM is known to have power supply problems. Over two years and a few months of age. Maybe a problem. Though some here have had no issues for many years.

Edited by Brian H
  • Like 1

Hopefully, somebody will confirm.  It also may depend on the version of PLM that you have.  In general, I would watch for a steady, dim, glow from the LED.  I think that my LED is white, but I wonder if some versions can glow different colors (such as green).



I unplugged both and then plugged PLM in, waited 30s and plugged ISY in. Logged back in thru Admin console and still says its in safe mode. 


PLM was purchased Dec 2018 so just a bit under 2 yrs ago. Should I assume it’s defective? If so, I see a new one on Amazon for $58.46 which appears to be a good price. Can I use same power supply? And once new one arrives do I just plug in same order as above and go or do I need to restore from backup?

Thanks for your assistance! 


Posted (edited)

When you replace the PLM. You have to do a Restore PLM. So the new PLM's six digit Insteon Address. Is written to all the modules in the system. To replace the old PLM's address in the modules. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY-99i/ISY-26_INSTEON:File_Menu#Restore_Modem_.28PLM.29

Yes you can use the old power supply. If it is OK. We have seen strange reports here if the power supply is going bad. UDI presently is selling 12 volt 1 Amp supplies in their direct sales site. As the ISY994i can use a wide range on DC voltages. Your original maybe a 5 Volt 500ma or 1 Amp. I have seen both.

Gee a revision 2.4. That revision has both the updated capacitors and serial port daughter board. Date Code looks like 03/2018.  If you decide to go with a replacement. Verify it is the latest V2.5.

Have you tried a new cable between the ISY994i and PLM?

If you start a communications test from a few of the other Dual Band Modules in your setup. Does the PLM's LED react at all?

This is a real long thread here. On the PLM power supply issues. You may want to glance at it to see some of the symptoms. https://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/13866-repair-of-2413s-plm-when-the-power-supply-fails/

Is the PLM's LED on the side. On at about its normal brightness?

I can't off hand think of a few tests to verify the PLMs condition. Others may have a few more suggestions.

Edited by Brian H
1 hour ago, oberkc said:

Hopefully, somebody will confirm.  It also may depend on the version of PLM that you have.  In general, I would watch for a steady, dim, glow from the LED.  I think that my LED is white, but I wonder if some versions can glow different colors (such as green).

Mine is a dual color LED. Dim Green but flashes Red on the Communications Test and another Dual band module on the same phase.

Posted (edited)

If the router was also out. I wounder if there may have been a power line spike taking both out.

I did think of a few tests but I am not too sure most would want to do it.

They require the serial port cable packed in the PLM's box that many never found. A serial port connection on the computer. A USB to serial port adapter may work.

One is BusyRats PLM freeware test program. You have to send the PLM basic commands in HEX and see what it responds with. I believe only COM1 to maybe COM7 worked with that program.

The other was what the Developers Group used. The evaluation version of DockLight Scripting available to everyone  and a DockLight program they gave to us. You could send commands from the program and see the responses. From a menu of command choices and not raw HEX commands. I modified the test program to do just what I wanted it to do. As there where more than one for different version Developers Kits and evaluation version can't write changes to the test program but a plain word processor can. If you are very careful or you hosed the program.

Edited by Brian H
Posted (edited)

I have a new PLM (v 2.5) and went thru the steps from the link above to swap out.  However, when I log into the ISY I am still getting the running in safe mode message. I have not done Restore PLM yet.  Is it abnormal to get the safe mode message at this step in the process?  Thought I'd confirm before continuing. I assume I can't Restore because there is no communication at this point.  Next steps?

Edited by iowaj
44 minutes ago, iowaj said:

I have a new PLM (v 2.5) and went thru the steps from the link above to swap out.  However, when I log into the ISY I am still getting the running in safe mode message. I have not done Restore PLM yet.  Is it abnormal to get the safe mode message at this step in the process?  Thought I'd confirm before continuing. I assume I can't Restore because there is no communication at this point.  Next steps?

What steps did you take to hook up your plm? What ports are the cables going to?


Not sure what you mean on the ports.  Am still a newbie to a lot of terminology here.

Again, router ISY was plugged in to was definitely not working.  As advised above, I plugged the ISY into a known working router and was able to access the system thru Admin console but said it was in safe mode.

To replace the PLM with the new one, I did the following:

  1. unplugged isy from power outlet
  2. unplugged plm from isy and power outlet
  3. connected isy port A to new plm
  4. plugged in new plm to power outlet
  5. plugged in isy to power outlet 
  6. logged in to admin console but system booted up in safe mode

I have checked all cords to be sure they are firmly plugged in.  And when this happened, I repeated the process but still get system in safe mode message.



You may want to try a different cable between Port A on the ISY994i and the PLM. As your steps look correct.

There is another possibility. If there was a surge that hit the Router and not a plain failure. The Port A serial port on the ISY994i may also be damaged as that could also cause a safe mode due to lack of communication.

There are ways to test the PLM but not too easy as I mentioned in a earlier post.

Posted (edited)

Tried another cable the appropriate length from PLM to to Port A. Ugh! Still comes up in safe mode. I'm curious and just don't remember...should the PLM feel cool to the touch when plugged in or does it get warm.  Both the one I am replacing and one purchased are very warm when plugged in.  Just made me wonder if the new one I purchased on Amazon was not exactly new.

I think testing the PLM as mentioned above is a bit too technical for me. So....what next step do you suggest? Anything besides just replacing the more expensive ISY994i?

Anyone???   I’d really like to get my system up and running. 

Edited by iowaj

I don't know an easy way to see if the serial port on the ISY994i is working correctly.

You may want to open a support ticket with UDI and point them to this thread so they maybe able to give you some answers.

19 hours ago, iowaj said:

Tried another cable the appropriate length from PLM to to Port A. Ugh! Still comes up in safe mode. I'm curious and just don't remember...should the PLM feel cool to the touch when plugged in or does it get warm.  Both the one I am replacing and one purchased are very warm when plugged in.  Just made me wonder if the new one I purchased on Amazon was not exactly new.

I think testing the PLM as mentioned above is a bit too technical for me. So....what next step do you suggest? Anything besides just replacing the more expensive ISY994i?

Anyone???   I’d really like to get my system up and running. 

They'll get warm. With you having the same issue with 2 different devices, I would start looking past it being the plm. Does the plm your isy show have the same ID as the new plm

8 hours ago, lilyoyo1 said:

They'll get warm. With you having the same issue with 2 different devices, I would start looking past it being the plm. Does the plm your isy show have the same ID as the new plm

The old PLM and the new PLM have different Insteon ID’s. I haven’t gotten to a point to restore PLM since it’s in safe mode. 
Not sure why they’d ever have the same ID? So is the only next step replacing the ISY?

8 minutes ago, iowaj said:

The old PLM and the new PLM have different Insteon ID’s. I haven’t gotten to a point to restore PLM since it’s in safe mode. 
Not sure why they’d ever have the same ID? So is the only next step replacing the ISY?

I was asking what (if any) plm is showing as connected to the isy.

Go to Tools>diagnostics>Plm info. 

3 hours ago, lilyoyo1 said:

I was asking what (if any) plm is showing as connected to the isy.

Go to Tools>diagnostics>Plm info. 

Going that route shows the PLM status as: 0.0.0 v0 / Not connected

20 minutes ago, lilyoyo1 said:

It's not reading it. Try unplugging the isy and rebooting. If it's still not reading then most likely the serial port is no longer working

Just unplug the ISY only and plug back in to reboot?  Not the PLM? And by serial port are you referring to port A? And if so, does that suggest I need to purchase another ISY?   Thanks!  I'm pretty new to all the lingo.

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