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8 button keypad

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Hello All.

I've had an 8 button keypad in my insteon network for approx. 4 yrs. Couldn't really get the concept of this thing under the insteon hub, so never really took to it.

I've recently moved it into an open area in my kitchen and have programmed the buttons to activate scenes. Really enjoying it now.

All scenes are different variations of how the kitchen lighting is set throughout the evening. For example "Cooking", "Dim Kitchen", and "Night Kitchen, Kitchen Off. All scenes basically utilize the same several sets of lights on different dim/on/off levels.

The one thing I can't get my head around is how to have scene "C" turn off (LED backlight) when i activate scene "B".

As it stands, by the end of night, all buttons are lit up by the end of the night, because most scenes have been activated throughout the evening.

I was going to attempt a program such that when one is on the others are off, but the status for anything other then the "Main" button aren't available as a "then" status choice.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks again,


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Just one sec....

Think I've just answered my own question.

I went back and realized if i just add all buttons to each scene with the status of off for the one button not controlling the scene then that should clean up any hanging backlights.

Sound aboot right?

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If button B is the controller for a scene, include button C as a responder and set it to off for scene B.  Not this just sets the button to Off, it doesn't set scene C off.

Likewise for the scene that button C is the controller include Button B and set the button to off.  


1 minute ago, PeterBarker11 said:

Just one sec....

Think I've just answered my own question.

I went back and realized if i just add all buttons to each scene with the status of off for the one button not controlling the scene then that should clean up any hanging backlights.

Sound aboot right?

yep... i was typing as you were.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Similar setup - only one scene tho with all switches. The rest of the kepad keys mirror one-to-one for switches that are remotely scattered in the room. I have the logic for each of the keypad keys controlling one switch, but if I use the remote switch to change the state, I want the keypad to reflect the switch's state - as opposed to the switch changing the light's state, and the keypad still lit up reflecting the ON state while the switch already turned it off. I think I follow the same reasoning as you're talking about right?

PS And I figured out already how to have the LED bright when enabled, and dim when disabled - but still easily found in the dark.

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Something Lilyoyo just pointed out to me for a different issue i was having as well. Not only do the players in the scene need to be configured, but under the controllers of that scene each device needs to be configured. 

Basically, click on scene adjust your settings, then click on controller and adjust the included switches/dimmers settings. 

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As I said - I haven't a clue how to finish the other half of what I've done...I think it's similar to a two way switch - but I'm lost in the terminology and hidden nuances in the interface when programming it in the Admin Console. I'll look at further examples of two-way switches and play around with that, as I don't know how to make a light switch a controller of a keypad button yet - especially using the Admin Console.


Screen Shot 2020-11-26 at 13.30.24.png

Screen Shot 2020-11-26 at 13.30.08.png

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13 minutes ago, MickBehr said:

As I said - I haven't a clue how to finish the other half of what I've done...I think it's similar to a two way switch - but I'm lost in the terminology and hidden nuances in the interface when programming it in the Admin Console. I'll look at further examples of two-way switches and play around with that, as I don't know how to make a light switch a controller of a keypad button yet - especially using the Admin Console.


Screen Shot 2020-11-26 at 13.30.24.png

Screen Shot 2020-11-26 at 13.30.08.png

You need two scenes:  In the first "Kitchen Table light" and "Toggle D" need to both be controllers, and they are the only things in the scene.  In the other scene called "All kitchen lights" both "kitchen Table Light" and "Button D" both need to be responders only, and "Toggle A" needs to be a Controller.

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K, I'm fairly new at this as well but here goes.

If i understand what you are wanting to do, you will need to add your switch into the Scene Toggle A as well as a controller. Two controllers, Toggle A and switch#, both controllers.

Then you will need to click on the scene as well as each controller and set the configuration for each. Ie click on the scene and set the response you want from Toggle A and Switch#. 

Then click on Toggle A inside of the scene and configure the response you want from Switch #. Finally click on Switch # and configure the response you want from Toggle A

There are others on here who will explain it much clearer, but there you go


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6 hours ago, MrBill said:

You need two scenes:  In the first "Kitchen Table light" and "Toggle D" need to both be controllers, and they are the only things in the scene.  In the other scene called "All kitchen lights" both "kitchen Table Light" and "Button D" both need to be responders only, and "Toggle A" needs to be a Controller.


6 hours ago, PeterBarker11 said:

K, I'm fairly new at this as well but here goes.

If i understand what you are wanting to do, you will need to add your switch into the Scene Toggle A as well as a controller. Two controllers, Toggle A and switch#, both controllers.

Then you will need to click on the scene as well as each controller and set the configuration for each. Ie click on the scene and set the response you want from Toggle A and Switch#. 

Then click on Toggle A inside of the scene and configure the response you want from Switch #. Finally click on Switch # and configure the response you want from Toggle A

There are others on here who will explain it much clearer, but there you go


Thanks guys - I appreciate the pointers. I understand what you're saying, and it makes perfect sense. I'm just not familiar with  how to use the Admin Console to actually do that. As I said, I have to learn more about the admin controls and how to create a scene with two controllers - as I have rarely seen the dialogue that pops up that asks you to select whether what your adding to the scene is to be a responder or a controller. Once I learn how to do that, the rest will fall into place. Cheers

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13 hours ago, MickBehr said:

Thanks guys - I appreciate the pointers. I understand what you're saying, and it makes perfect sense. I'm just not familiar with  how to use the Admin Console to actually do that. As I said, I have to learn more about the admin controls and how to create a scene with two controllers - as I have rarely seen the dialogue that pops up that asks you to select whether what your adding to the scene is to be a responder or a controller. Once I learn how to do that, the rest will fall into place. Cheers

Disclaimer: There's more than one way to do this, but this is how I do it which is fastest for me.

1. first turn off device writes using these buttons in the admin console:


(the one on the right is for battery powered devices so that may not apply here).  Also these button only exist in Pro versions of ISY.

Turning off device writes allows you to queue up all the instructions so they are sent out in one heap instead of doing everything as you click. 

2. Create a new empty scene.  Link Management > New Scene.

3. click the first device to add to the scene.  Optionally: hold down the control key and click more devices to add to the scene.  Then: right click and pick "Add to scene".  At this point you will get the dialog asking if you want it to be a responder or a controller.   Repeat this step as many time as needed to add all the devices to the scene. 

Note: If you're building a scene with many responders and few controllers it's advantageous to add all the responders first then add the controllers.   If's it's a scene for 3-way or n-way switching tho, you're going to want all members to be controllers.  If it's a scene that sets a scene, i.e. your All Kitchen button then you'll have multiple responders with one controller.

4. now that the scene is created and has it's members added.  Click on the root of the scene or the scene name itself:


on the right side adjust the dim level and ramp rate for this scene as it will be controlled from the ISY or ISY programs. 

THEN Also click each RED controller in the scene:


repeat as above, set them Dim level and ramp rate for each device in the scene, as it will be controlled from THAT controller.

The concept in this step is the hardest to catch onto for new users.... Each Controller determines how the lights will react when turned on by that controller.  In my example screenshots, this is a typical 3-way switching scene.  One switch at one end of the room, the other switch at the other end.  But we can set default attributes for this scene when it's turned on by one switch, the other switch, or when turned on by the ISY.   In other words, we set the default dim and ramp rates, for THE ISY and BOTH switches that are controllers.  The ISY and programs as controllers might set 100%, the switch at one end might turn on 80% and the switch at the other end might be set so that the lights only come on at 20%.

5. Now that the scene is setup and complete configured Go back to the button in step 1 and turn it on.  When you do the ISY will start writing all those instructions at once to the devices.

6. Test that the scene works as you expected.

--- so that sums up basic 3-way/n-way switching types of scenes, that is where two or more switches control the same light.  In that case both/all switches are controllers so that when you turn on/off one switch the other keeps the other switch in the same state (i.e. the LEDs are meaningful).

--- the other type of scene is where you collect groups of devices or to preform a preset action.  These scene's may contain members that are also members of other scenes.   An example is this All Off scene:


When building this scene we need to make everything that we want to respond a responder.  If you look at the 3-way scene I used in the example at the top of this post, it had DN Recessed OH (Kitchen) and {hide} DN Recessed OH (kitchen) as controllers.  In this "ALL" scene those devices are both included but they are responders.  (note: if your wondering about the {hide} labels they are a holdover from when I used Mobilinc, they remove that item from lists in that app).  In this scene literally everything on the lower level is included, whether a switch or button on a keypad. 

In this case I didn't actually configure all of these devices to be off in the scene tho.  It's actually just a standard scene, it could work for on or off if I wanted it to.  What makes this special tho, is when I added the controller which is a button H on an 8-button keypad I changed the button toggle mode for that button to be Non_toggle Off... in other words when this button is pressed it always sends Off.  In this case the controller never sends on, it only sends off.

In your "All Kitchen" scene you will want to do the same thing.  Except you want to configure on, and off at both the ISY level and the Red controller member of the scene and not change the button toggle mode.


Hopefully that's all straight forward and not too confusing.....



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