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linking Dakota Re-4K Plus receiver


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I just got a Dakota Dual 4k Plus driveway alarm.  The receiver has two relay outputs (NO, COM, NC) and a 12 VDC output terminal.  One relay triggers when a car is entering, and the other when a car is leaving.  In order to integrate this, do I need two separate I/O linc modules?   Any other methods to consider?  Thanks.


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Yes, if you choose to use Insteon IOLincs, you'll need a pair of them.

There are other manufacturers that make multiple-IO Insteon devices (commonly used for sprinkler systems, if I recall correctly) -- perhaps someone who owns one of those might comment on their usability for this.

As an alternate, if you have z-wave, you might be able to use a MIMO z-wave device.

(Looking at the same Dakota device for my looong driveway, probably in the spring when the ground defrosts -- I'd be interested in your comments on how it's working out for you!)

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Thanks for the quick response.  I'll plan to pick up 2 i/o lincs.  

I was hoping to get the Dakota installed--had it hooked up (set up was pretty simple) and tested (seemed to work perfectly without having to tweak sensitivities or anything).  But, it arrived here just in time for a big cold front, and I couldn't bury it (I tried).  So, I disconnected it and will wait until the ground thaws.  I'm looking forward to programming some interesting and useful responses to cars coming and going.   BTW, not sure why you're interested in the plus, but I learned that having the two sensors also helps reduce false signals as the algorithm is looking for the proper activation sequence (ie it won't go off if both sensors fire simultaneously)--not sure how much of a difference this makes, but if so, it sounds like an added benefit.

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