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iLinc 2.10 iPhone/Touch App with ISY Support Now Available!


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Here are the following features that are included as part of the 2.10 update:


General Features:

- Themed backgrounds and matching color icons.

- Default, Blue Marble, Green Texture, Brass Metal Plate, Wood Grain, Papyrus, Retro Wallpaper.

- Multiple ISY support through Profiles.

- Create multiple profiles to access different ISY devices in your home or vacation home.

- Rename device commands to customize each device. For example, if a device opens a garage door, rename the "On" command to "Open Garage" and rename the "Off" command to "Close Garage".

- Pick any of the "My" pages as the default start-up page including the Profiles page to bypass the startup connection process and pick which profile to start.


ISY 26/99 Features:

- Thermostat Support.

- New home page, "My Programs" supports programs and program status from ISY.

- New home page, "My Weather" supports the weather module (if installed in ISY 99 only).

- Support for Folders if running ISY firmware 2.7.6.

- Set devices as Favorite devices.

- Sort options on devices (A-Z, Z-A, On-Off, Off-On).

- Auto detect if on local network and connect to ISY using the local IP address. If iLinc detects a cell connection or attempting to connect to a remote ISY, iLinc auto switches to use the external IP address and connects securely.

- New My Settings Options:

- Auto Close Favorite Sheet - Option to close or keep the Favorite command sheet open to allow the user to issue multiple commands to a device or scene before closing the sheet.

- Display Device Errors - If enabled, this will allow device error pop-up within iLinc if ISY reports a communication error with a device. If disabled, iLinc will not display these types of messages.

- Show Empty Folders - If disabled, iLinc will filter out empty folders in My Scenes and My Devices.

- New color options for Program status and state.



Special Price: Get iLinc Pro for half off until

November 16th when iLinc Pro

moves to its regular price of



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Updated this morning. Looks nice. One problem however- I can't customize and of the Hidden by default command names. I have an inlinelinc relay that controls my outside floods and would love to have the fast on and fast off commands say Stay On and Stay Off. I edit the labels but they revert back to "Hiding Command" as soon as I leave the edit page. Is this a bug or am I missing a step somewhere ? I tried both at the device level and the scene level with the same result.


Thanks in advance.



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Hi X,


Thank you!


You aren't missing anything. I made a design decision to filter out the commands that don't apply to specific devices. In your case with the inlinelinc relay, the device is either on or off. Fast on and fast off don't really apply to relay devices. By using fast on and fast off, how would this be different than the off and on commands for relays? Does this have meaning in your programs?



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Thanks for the Quick reply.


The inlinelink relay w/sense DOES use the fast on/off to override the sense line. Looking back at me previous post, I omitted the W/sense part. However, I don't think the relay without sense is available anylonger so maybe that part should just be assumed now anyway.


So, Fast off - relay will stay off when sense is detected and Fast On - relay will stay on when sense is no longer detected.


Make sense ?


Also, I think it would be valuable to allow the unused commands to be used by programs. Even if my switchlink relay has no use for fast on/off, my programs can still use that as a trigger to do something. Infact, I use fast off on a switchlink to disable a motion sensor program so my light will stay off even when motion is detected. A fast on on that switchlink will turn the light on and disable the motion sensor program so the light stays on until I turn it off manually. A standard on/off will re-enable the motion detector programs.


So, I like the fact that you automaticly hide the unused commands BUT if I add a label, it should unhide and function.


What do you think ?





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Hi X,


That does make sense. Thank you for your input and I'll add this as a change to the next release. I'll change iLinc so that it defaults to the standard set of commands On/Off for relays and all commands for dimmers, but if the user overrides a default hidden command in the special case of the InLineLinc Relay with Sense. iLinc will attempt to send the command to the device (Fast on/Fast Off).



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