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maximum subscribers reached then starting subscription


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Hello! running 5.3.0.  When I log in to the admin Console I get error "maximum subscribers reached" Then I get a window with title 'initializing" that shows "starting subscription" This loading never finishes. 

Also my instance of mobi linc pro on my iPhone keeps saying "Mobilinc disconnected. Attempting to reconnect to ISY"

I am also running:
- polisy box also looks to be working
- HA.  Which looks to be working .

Anyone ever seen this/ know a fix?

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First, take a screen shot of http://ISYipAddress/rest/subscriptions  that might be interesting to UDI support if you need to open a ticket.   To clear the problem tho you will need to reboot the ISY, either via the portal if you have it, or just pulling the plug since you can't open the admin console.

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First, take a screen shot of http://ISYipAddress/rest/subscriptions  that might be interesting to UDI support if you need to open a ticket.   To clear the problem tho you will need to reboot the ISY, either via the portal if you have it, or just pulling the plug since you can't open the admin console.

Is this the same problem we’ve been discussing for about a year?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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11 hours ago, TrojanHorse said:

Is this the same problem we’ve been discussing for about a year?

I don't think it is.... that version is "Already subscribed", which appears to mean subscriptions are confused and the ISY thinks the admin console already has a subscription but the admin console is just starting so it doesn't have info on it. 

In OP's case the 10 available subscriptions are already full, and the newly opened admin console can't start a new on because all 10 slots are full.  

I didn't ask OP to paste the screenshot I suggested he take before he destroyed the evidence, and to be honest I don't know how to identify what started each subscription by slot with the exception of the portal.  I suspect OPs problem is a one off weird situation where whatever process inside the ISY expires stale subscriptions just stopped working.

On the problem that we've been discussing for a year (a.k.a. "Already Subscribed' bug), recent evidence seems to point that its not actually a mobilinc problem but something in the ISY that confuses subscriptions.  Possibly related to Queue Full or some other socket related error that shows up in the ISY error log.  Unfortunately the ISY error log is hard to understand and read, I just opened mine and it's full of crap following an ISY restart yesterday.  I've discovered by trial and error it's best to shut Polisy down when restarting ISY, after ISY comes up and stabilizes then restart Polisy.  I didn't follow that yesterday because I didn't think of it, I just clicked Reboot in the admin console now I have an error log packed full of error mostly from nodeservers, mostly a specific nodeserver, and when the query program ran overnight a bunch of "queue full" errors.    To solve this I'll bet all I need to do is shut down Polisy, reboot ISY again and wait until ISY is up and running to restart Polisy.    If I do that and check again tomorrow I'll have few error log entries and no queue full error during the overnight query, if I ignore the condition it will continue. 


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