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Wake on LAN help


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I have been trying to use wol in the network tab and so far have been unsuccessful.


I have followed the wiki instruction including the dashes between bite sets for the mac address of each computer. I logged onto my router and copied the mac address and ip address for each computer.


I have set up the network card configuration for wol and magic packet. When the computers are off the 100mb led is lit on each computer indicating the lan card is powered up.


When I press test in the network tab the router action leds flash momentarily but none of the computers turn on.


Any help would be greatly appreciated?




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You'll probably want to do some troubleshooting to determine whether or not WOL is working for your machines or if it's the ISY. I would recommend trying to send a WOL/Magic Packet from one computer to another using software. I've used Wake on Lan Command Line in the past with success. You'll want to fire it off with the following syntax:



If you can't get your computer to wake up this way, you may have some configuring to do. If you can, then you can probably point to the ISY.

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